Saturday , 27 July 2024
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’
Home » Poisonous Serpent Edward Bamporiki And Assassinated Gospel Singer – Saint Kizito Mihigo

Poisonous Serpent Edward Bamporiki And Assassinated Gospel Singer – Saint Kizito Mihigo

In the photo below, it is a day Light met Darkness, a day Angel met Satan, a day Virtuous met Evil, a day Truth met Dishonesty, a day Altruism met Selfishness, a day Hope met Despair, a day Life met Death and a day Love met Hate. Now darkness, satan, evil, dishonesty, despair, selfishness, death, hate wants the head of lecturer Aimable Karasira.

Poisonous Serpent Edward Bamporiki and assassinated gospel singer Kizito Mihigo

About Gakwerere

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