By: Rpf Gakwerere
Youthful intellectual Gérard Niyomugabo was kidnapped on April 3, 2014, later eliminated through torture at the hands of criminal Paul Kagame’s bloodthirsty police. Gérard Niyomugabo was a University lecturer, researcher, public speaker, social justice and writer.

On April 3, 2014, under direct orders from criminal Paul Kagame through to his then police chief, Gen Emmanuel Gasana alias Rurayi, an innocent young man was kidnapped and tortured to his death. All sources indicates on the presence of assassin Gen Emmanuel Gasana alias Rurayi alongside his right hand man, SP Justin Rukara as individuals who led the interrogation and torture to death of Gérard Niyomugabo.

It was SP Justin Rukara who led team that kidnapped Gérard Niyomugabo, and after kidnapping him, he was taken to Gacinya detention centre. While at Gacinya detention centre, he was directly taken to interrogation – torture room, this is were he was tortured to his last breath.
Criminal Paul Kagame saw Gérard Niyomugabo’s messages as a threat to the survival of his regime because he was speaking directly to the youth. His blant messages on social justice, fairness and equal opportunities were perceived as a threat by the satanic regime. After receiving intelligence information on how his Radio talk programmes were attracting massive ratings, criminal Paul Kagame personally instructed Gen Emmanuel Gasana to start investigating Gérard Niyomugabo and his group, that included Kizito Mihigo and Cassien Ntamuhanga.
It was notorious assassin Gen Emmanuel Gasana’s fabricated intelligence report which pinpointed Gérard Niyomugabo and his group to being members of Rwanda National Congress (RNC), that led criminal Paul Kagame to take a harsh decision against Gérard Niyomugabo and his friends.

Gen Emmanuel Gasana’s fabricated intelligence report noted how Gérard Niyomugabo’s youth movement, “New generation for revolution – Abatangana” was an RNC affiliation, and Gérard Niyomugabo was the head of group.
Gen Emmanuel Gasana’s fabricated intelligence report linked Gérard Niyomugabo to his childhood friend, Callixte Sankara who was at this time living in South Africa and a senior RNC member. Under criminal Paul Kagame, for senior intelligence operatives to keep their respective positions while at the same time gaining operation funds, they have continuously fed the over paranoid dictator fake intelligence information, and the mentally sick dictator has taken brutal decisions based on these fake intelligence information fed to him on daily basis. And the final decision against Gérard Niyomugabo was based on fabricated intelligence information.
Regime brutality didn’t stop with Gérard Niyomugabo only, criminal Paul Kagame went after his immediate family and friends, and they were incarcerated, eliminated and others fled the potato enclave – Rwanda and they are now living in exile.