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Home » Views From Readers » M23’s Middle Ranking Officers Have Been Receiving Crash Officers’ Course At Gabiro Combat Training Centre

M23’s Middle Ranking Officers Have Been Receiving Crash Officers’ Course At Gabiro Combat Training Centre

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere

“Maj Gen” Sultan Makenga’s trusted boy, Major Willy Ngoma will soon be promoted to a Lieutenant Colonel within RDF-M23 terrorist group. Middle ranking M23 officers have been undergoing a crash officer training course at Combat Training Centre in Gabiro. DRC’s former President, Joseph Kabila was also trained at Gabiro military training centre.

Major Willy Ngoma, Spokesperson of M23’s military wing

According to the source, these Middle ranking M23 officers have been getting crash training (notions) on Company Tactics Course (CTC), Battalion Tactics Course (BTC), Advanced Infantry Officers’ Course (AIOC) and Military Intelligence Operations (MIO).

Self-proclaimed Maj Gen Sultan Makenga and his trusted boy, Maj Willy Ngoma

An M23 officer recently told me, “Corporal, we are not seated, we are reorganising our field command structures, acquiring knowledge and focusing on leadership training for our young officers. We have great potential within the ranks and files of our youth.”

Criminal Paul Kagame continues to build the capacity of M23 by increasing their numbers, providing better military training and revamping their armoury.

About Gakwerere

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