By: Rpf Gakwerere
The paranoia ruler, Dictator Paul Kagame is pitiless, death is the first thought in his mind when faced with any perceived threat. On the 2nd September 2019, when criminal Paul Kagame appointed Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi to head J2 – Directorate of Military Intelligence now rebranded as Defence Intelligence, I have always been noting how Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi is the master of silent assassination.

Throughout his military intelligence career, Vincent Nyakarundi has been the advocate of silent assassinations known in military intelligence as ‘quiet deleting,’ the elimination which doesn’t leave traceability, dots or connection to the perpetrators.
Vincent Nyakarundi’s military career has been through military intelligence, Directorate of Military Intelligence, his ranks and positions has been awarded through his extreme ability to demonstrate ruthlessness in torture and eliminating dictator Paul Kagame’s perceived targets.
In the early hours of this morning, 20th January 2021, it was the turn of Col Simon Ndamukunda to fall at the hands of Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi’s onslaught against anyone suspected of whinging against the brutal regime.

Since 2017 to last night, when he died through multiple organ failure (multiple organ dysfunction syndrome), Col Simon Ndamukunda had been sidelined by the junta regime, he was sidelined due to mistrust by the regime hierarchy.
In dictator Paul Kagame’s militia army, when you have been sidelined, especially when you are an officer, they will make sure military intelligence operatives keeps surveilling you. There are military officers who have been under constant surveillance for more than two decades. After being sidelined in 2017, Col Simon Ndamukunda fell in this pattern of being surveilled.

Once sidelined, some of these military officers start whinging, quietly complaining to those they thinks are friends yet they are DMI/NISS spies and they cry to those they trust among family members, not knowing they are also Paul Kagame’s deadly agents. Friends have betrayed friends, family members have betrayed each other, neighbours have spied one another, work colleagues have led to deaths of their colleagues, military officers have spied fellow military officers, religious leaders have spied each other….etc. The potato enclave – Rwanda is a police state where oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed citizens spied each other in the name of criminal Paul Kagame.
All sources point at how Col Simon Ndamukunda was healthy until few days ago when he started having stomach pains, and all tests came Negative including that of Covid 19. According to these reliable sources, it is last evening, 19th January 21, when he started vomiting blood, blood coming from the nose, with high body temperature, by early hours of this morning, 20 January 21, the friendly col breathed his last.

No single assassination of a military personnel can happen in the potato enclave – Rwanda without the approval of dictator Paul Kagame. All assassinations must be approved by him, especially high profile targets. Therefore, the elimination of Col Simon Ndamukunda must have been approved by the paranoia killer who always acts on fake, fabricated and cooked up intelligence information given to him by his ill trained operatives.
By eliminating this innocent man – Col Simon Ndamukunda, who was hustling hard to provide for his young family, criminal Paul Kagame and his serial assassins think they are safer, or their bloodthirsty brutal regime still have time.
Col Simon Ndamukunda was a father to a young family, he was a child, a relative, a friend to many and these assassins have shorted his life and made young children orphans at the time when the world, and Rwanda in particular is going through enormous economic challenges.
RIP, Col Simon Ndamukunda.