By: Rpf Gakwerere
On the 20th January 2021, in a meeting led by power hungry assassin, Co – Vice President Ange Kagame, decided that the Office of Government Spokesperson (OCS) which is currently under the control of power hungry Co – Vice President Ange Kagame, that operatives will start the art of information diversion – disinformation.

This is information warfare of releasing sensational news through unsuspecting sources to divert oppressed and enslaved Rwandans from debating on issues that may damage the image of criminal Paul Kagame or his satanic regime. For example, criminal Paul Kagame’s health issues, criminal Paul Kagame’s whereabouts or Criminal Paul Kagame’s deployment of his special force mercenaries in Central Africa Republic to save the dying regime of Faustin Archarge Touadere.
And on 24 January 2021, Rwanda’s bloodthirsty Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) currently rebranded as Defence Intelligence (DI) leaked fake news about the arrest of former Chief of defence Staff, Gen Patrick Nyamvumba, and being detained at Kanombe military barracks, officers detention centre.

Obviously, innocent souls jumped on this fake news and shared, re-shared and analysed about it, but the unsuspecting oppressed and enslaved souls didn’t know that this fake info was meant to divert them from two key themes which were occupying social media discussions among citizens of the potato enclave – Rwanda, 1) The whereabouts of criminal Paul Kagame and his health issues 2) Criminal Paul Kagame’s deployment of his special force mercenaries in Central African Republic.
Yes, Gen Patrick Nyamvumba and his extended family are undergoing difficult times at the hands of a criminal monster that they all served. Gen Patrick Nyamvumba is among military officers who are likely to be eliminated, but the issue of being being detained at Kanombe military barracks was a diversionary overdrive orchestrated from Village Urugwiro state house through DMI (DI).
Info about Gen Patrick Nyamvumba, his current house arrest after being transferred from Presidential Guard safe house in October 2020. How he was tortured while in a presidential guard safe house, and how his being denied to access medical treatment since he was transferred from a presidential guard safe house to his home will be a subject for another day.
Dear oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed Rwandans, always cross check the info, because now and then, Ange Kagame, her goons and DMI, will be releasing fake news in order to divert gullible souls from key topics of the day. They will try their best to divert you from key themes and topics that criminal Paul Kagame and his satanic regime don’t want you to know or debate about.
For those who have studied military intelligence, will understand that in counter Intelligence, information diversion – disinformation is a key element/tool in confusing targeted elements, and in this case, targeted elements are oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed Rwandans.