By: Rpf Gakwerere
If there is anyone being hunted for a piece of his fresh, Kayumba Rugema is top on the list. Dangerous elements who loathe him to death want a taste of his blood.
1) Criminal Paul Kagame wants his head on a silver plate at all cost. Criminal Paul Kagame’s approval to blacklist and hunt down Rugema Kayumba at all costs possible was reached due to constant intelligence reports he receives from his ill trained operatives. In order to get pumped up operation funds, Criminal Paul Kagame’s ill trained operatives always feed their extremely paranoid dictator with fake doctored intelligence information. In the eyes of criminal Paul Kagame, human rights and social justice activist, Rugema Kayumba has to be eliminated at all cost.

2) Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe has openly threatened his life. For example, while meeting former FLN rebel fighters who were being passed out after months of undergoing re-education and reintegration programmes at Mutobo Demobilization Camp, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe told these former rebels how Rugema Kayumba will be brought to Rwanda by all means necessary, and if this option fails, there are other means to silence him. Gen James Kabarebe spent more than one hour talking about Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa and his young cousin, Rugema Kayumba.
Gen James Kabarebe’s hate against Kayumba Rugema is personal. Recently, a desk operative at Rwanda’s notorious National Intelligence and Security Services told me, “When Afande James was still the minister of defence and head of Uganda desk, the man was always pushing and inquiring on Kayumba Rugema’s black file, he has an obsession with him. When hated by Afande Kabarebe expect him to even use his personal wealth to hunt you down. All senior officers are still baffled at how Rugema has managed to survive all operation trappings.”
Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe always tells his bloodthirsty thugs within his notorious J3 network, “the day we get hold of Rugema Kayumba, the punishment he will receive, will make the punishment meted on Major Emmanuel Nkubana look like a Christmas gift.”
Major Emmanuel Nkubana alias Kadogo, a Belgian citizen of Rwanda origin was kidnapped on 1st October 2016 while in his holiday in Uganda, by criminal Paul Kagame’s Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) operatives alongside double agent Gen Kale Kayihura’s notorious assassins. After being kidnapped, Major Emmanuel Nkubana was taken to Gabiro military detention centre, Rwanda, where he went through slow torture to his death at the hands of criminal Paul Kagame’s senior torturers.

3) Serial assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza, this brutal assassin who is currently under accountability investigation wants the blood of Rugema Kayumba at all cost. Serial assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza is potato enclave’s (Rwanda) current Inspector General of Police, he was the head of Uganda desk until mid last month, January 2021. His hunt against Rugema Kayumba is personal, he wants his blood at all cost. Rugema Kayumba being blacklisted by the satanic regime for elimination at any opportunity possible/available, has allowed Brig Gen Dan Munyuza to use state operation resources to find ways of neutralising Rugema Kayumba. Fortunately, at the moment, the chances of serial assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza being eliminated by his boss – criminal Paul Kagame are higher than him succeeding in his evil wishful thinking of eliminating Rugema Kayumba.

4) Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI/DI) operatives based in Europe, most especially Norway. These pity, inept minions are under the banner of INTORE, Criminal Paul Kagame’s bloodthirsty militia wing, sister to Interahamwe militia. These don’t have any single personal grudge against Rugema Kayumba, but they are after rewards for any success in managing to eliminate an innocent man, Rugema Kayumba. These are extremely greedy fortune hunters who kill for criminal Paul Kagame’s dollars and other benefits/rewards. In their hunt for fortune, they haven’t even spared their own relatives, they are obsessed with criminal Paul Kagame’s coins – rewards. They have sold their souls to satan, criminal Paul Kagame.

5) Hutu extremists under the opposition banner. Fortunately, this group has no state power apart from making noises on social media and online/Internet radios. If they had state power would they have blacklisted Rugema Kayumba? Definitely 100% YES, you just need to listen to their hateful analogies to understand if Rugema Kayumba would survive even for a single day under their rule.
This category of people are the most untrusted lots, that is why most of them aren’t blacklisted by DMI, some are DMI informers or treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe’s informers, and others are case study examples that the brutal regime keeps on referring while scaremongering oppressed and enslaved citizens.
For example, in 2015, political activists, bloggers and owners of, went to meet people they trusted 100%, as they only trusted ‘Hutu extremists.’ Unfortunately, they naively failed to read the situation that most Hutus operating under extremist banner of ‘hutu extremism’ are state agents. Within few hours of meeting these contacts that they had trusted, Jean Paul Romeo Rugero and Ignace Nzeyimana found themselves in the hands of treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe and his pet boy, death merchant Maj Gen Jack Nziza. Jean Paul Romeo Rugero and Ignace Nzeyimana who were wanted at all cost due to their absolute great work with, where taken to Kami Military camp detention centre, a well known human abattoir where walls are filled with human deaths. They spent weeks going through slow enhanced torture up to their deaths.
Back to my initial question, will Kayumba Rugema manage to survive all carnivorous vultures who wants his blood?