Wednesday , 12 March 2025
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’


By: Rpf Gakwerere

Background: Singer Kizito Mihigo Arrested while trying to escape from an open prison called Rwanda, which is ruled by a sanic regime.

In the early hours of Thursday morning, 13th February 20, Rwanda’s gospel singer, Kizito Mihigo was apprehended by criminal Paul Kagame’s agents while trying to escape to Burundi through panya roads.

Kizito Mihigo, Nkunzimana Jean Bosco and Ngayabahiga Joel

In 2015, gospel Singer KIZITO Mihigo was arrested and sentenced for 10 years by criminal Paul Kagame’s kangaroo courts, through fabricated claims of conspiracy to assassinate criminal Paul Kagame.

It’s only in the potato enclave were a single civilian can be charged for conspiracy to assassinate a man who’s guarded by a whole Division – presidential guard Division. In 2015, criminal Paul Kagame ruthlessly sentenced an innocent person – Kizito Mihigo under false and fabricated charges.

On 15th September 18, gospel singer Kizito Mihigo together with Victoire Ingabire, were released by a presidential grace.

Since his release, singer Kizito Mihigo wasn’t allowed to have a national identity card (Indangamuntu) or a passport.

From September 2018, local officials, on different occasions refused to grant him a national identity card citing as orders from above. In the potato enclave – Rwanda, you can’t obtain a passport without a national identity card.

Like other countries, without a national identity card, it’s next to impossible to access any service(s) including applying for employment, and Kizito Mihigo was always unable to access any service because of criminal Paul Kagame’s policy of denying official identities like identity cards or passports to anyone suspected of being anti regime. And gospel singer Kizito Mihigo fell in this category of oppressed and enslaved citizens. Like millions of Rwandans, he was being denied his basic human rights.

All music studios in Rwanda refused to record his music citing orders from above. While in prison, he had written several songs and expected to produce them once free.

Unfortunately, once released through presidential grace, he realised was still in prison, but this time an open prison. He moved from one studio to another asking for a chance to record his newly written music/songs, all studios refused citing orders from above.

Reasons since being released on 15th September 18, to a day he was assassinated, he hadn’t released any song through a proper studio except through his own substandard studio at his house/home.

On the 15th September 18, Kizito Mihigo was only released from a closed prison to an open prison called Rwanda.

According to police sources, on early hours of 13th February 20, oppressed, enslaved, unemployed and starving gospel singer – Kizito Mihigo was caught by criminal Paul Kagame’s agents while trying to cross to Burundi through a panya road.

Gospel singer Kizito Mihigo assassinated by CP Egide Ruzigamanzi – head of police’s crime intelligence and his team.

On the evening of 16th February 20, a team led by notorious assassin CP Egide Ruzigamanzi, head of crime intelligence and assassin CP Dennis Basabose, head of counter terrorism, went to a safe house in Kibagabaga where Gospel Singer Kizito was being incarcerated since his arrest on 13 February 20.

They spent hours questioning him, and the topics were based on why he was fleeing from Rwanda and people he has been talking too since he was released from prison on 15 September 18.

During his release on 15th September 18, Gospel Singer Kizito Mihigo was warned against trying to leave the Country, talking on anti Kagame issues or contacting dissidents outside the country. Singer Kizito Mihigo was a close friend to Major Sankara Callixte, former FLN spokesman who is now incarcerated in Rwanda.

After interrogation and forcing him to hand in his phone password, before ordering his elimination, CP Egide Ruzigamanzi told Kizito Mihigo, that, “last time we warned you, and told you, we shall never imprison you again, but give you a harsher punishment of death.” Then CP Agide Ruzigamanzi ordered his men bamufanyiye, Gospel Singer Kizito Mihigo was then strangled and his remains were taken in the wee hours of early morning, 17th February 21 to Remera police station.

Since his arrest on 13th February 20 to the time of his elimination, Kizito Mihigo was being incarcerated in a safe house. Gospel singer Kizito Mihigo was eliminated through strangulation in presence of notorious assassin CP Egide Ruzigamanzi, head of crime intelligence and assassin CP Dennis Basabose.

Four key notorious assassins in the arrest, incarceration, psychological and physical torture, interrogation, and elimination of gospel Singer Kizito Mihigo.

1) Criminal Paul Kagame, the ruler gave the orders to incarcerate, interrogate and eliminate singer Kizito Mihigo. This was after Paul Kagame being told how Kizito was arrested while trying to flee from the potato enclave (Rwanda). No single person, especially a high profile individual can be eliminated in the potato enclave (Rwanda) without the approval of criminal Paul Kagame.

Rwanda’s ruthless criminal assassin, dictator Paul Kagame

2) Notorious Assassin Dan Munyuza, the semi literate IGP who was recently removed from heading Uganda desk, was the person who briefed criminal Paul Kagame after the arrest of singer Kizito Mihigo. For years, his intelligence and security briefings to his boss are always based on fabrications, lies and hate. Sources indicate he was ordered to incarcerate, get any information from him and eliminate. And this is what notorious assassin Dan Munyuza briefed his men.

For those who didn’t know, notorious assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza hates to the core SOPECAS (Rwandans born and raised in Rwanda) most especially Tutsi genocide survivors.

Brainless brutal assassin, Brig Gen Dan Munyuza

3) Notorious assassin – CP Egide Ruzigamanzi, a righthand man of Notorious assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza. CP Egide Ruzigamanzi is the head of crime intelligence and a well known field assassin within criminal Paul Kagame’s intelligence apparatus. His one of the few people who have direct access to criminal Paul Kagame. For his recent high profile assassination, was the young entrepreneur Eddie Bagamba who was eliminated on the 24 December 19, for merely refusing to work as a intelligence informer. CP Egide Ruzigamanzi has built a reputation within criminal Paul Kagame’s intelligence apparatus as a hit man. In this case, he was present and executed orders from above, in the assassination through strangulation of Gospel singer Kizito Mihigo.

Notorious assassin, CP Egide Ruzigamanzi7

4) Notorious assassin – CP Denis Basabose, the commissioner for Counter Terrorism in criminal Paul Kagame’s police force is also tasked with Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza dossier. His team recently kidnapped poet Bahati Innocent Moussa in Nyanza district, on the evening of 7th February 21.

CP Denis Basabose, isn’t any other police officer within the satanic system. His a well known ruthless assassin of many innocent people in the names of criminal Paul Kagame and treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe in particular.

CP Denis Basabose is tasked with Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza dossier. CP Denis Basabose, isn’t any other police officer within the satanic system. His a well known ruthless assassin of many innocent people in the names of criminal Paul Kagame and treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe in particular.

CP Denis Basabose, is a Commissioner for Counter Terrorism, a department which is tasked with eliminating anyone perceived to be opposing the satanic regime of criminal Paul Kagame. CP Denis Basabose is a semi illiterate thug who was auto tuned to follow orders and kill in the name of criminal Paul Kagame or treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe. After midnight, 17th February 20; he was present and participated in the interrogation, psychological and physical torture and elimination through strangulation of gospel singer Kizito Mihigo.

Assassin CP Denis Basabose

Brutal torture of Kizito Mihigo before his assassination.

Gospel singer Kizito Mihigo was tortured, eyes gouged out, toenails removed, his private parts burned using cigarettes, and pinched with needles the same private parts; as notorious assassins CP Egide Ruzigamanzi and CP Denis Basabose taunted with interrogation questions. These two intelligence assassins, head of crime intelligence and counter terrorism, respectively.

As they slowly tortured, taunted and tormented him; Kizito Mihigo was told that his in a place were he can cry and shout and no one will hear him. For those who don’t know, all torture safe houses in the potato enclave (Rwanda) are sound proof.

Like those tortured and killed before by the satanic regime ruling the potato enclave (Rwanda), Kizito Mihigo’s family were refused by security apparatus to clean and dress his remains. The security apparatus under police community relations told the family that the police will clean and dress him, they need to only come and pick the casket.

After being brutally assassinated, on 17 February 20, the satanic regime told Kizito Mihigo’s family that the police would foot all the burial expenses. This is always a normal approach done by criminal Paul Kagame’s security apparatus after eliminating an innocent person. They will torture and kill you, then foot all the burial expenses.

Police Superintendent Emmanuel Hitayezu is the one who led a team that transported the badly tortured dead body of gospel singer Kizito Mihigo from Kibagabaga safe house to Remera police station

According to a police souces, Kigali’s well known assassin and torture expert, Police Superintendent Emmanuel Hitayezu is the one who led a team that transported the badly tortured dead body of gospel singer Kizito Mihigo from Kibagabaga safe house which is run by police intelligence to Remera police station on early hours of February 17, 2020.

Assassin, Supt Emmanuel Hitayezu

Anonymous policeman in the potato enclave (Rwanda). “I was posted at Remera police station until last November 2019. There is no wire rack on the prison windows where an inmate can tie the sheets to hang himself! This is a total lie. I have been asking several colleagues who are still there, and they have all told me that the tortured dead body of Kizito Mihigo was brought to the police station very early in the morning by a team led by Supt. Emmanuel Hitayezu. In Police, we all know Supt. Emmanuel Hitayezu kama torture expert. We, Tutsi genocide survivors in the security services know who did what to our brother Kizito Mihigo, and at the right time we shall sort these people. Just subiri.”

N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog –

However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using VPN.

About Gakwerere

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