Criminal Paul Kagame makes some administrative changes, he reshuffles all provincial governors and promotes Jean Marie Vianney Gatabazi, a well known despicable, inept and idiotic minion to head a crucial ministry – ministry of local government. Jean Marie Vianney Gatabazi was formerly the governor of Northern province.

At this ministry, inept minion Jean Marie Vianney Gatabazi has replaced Anastase Shyaka, another Kagamist goon who sold his soul and brain to criminal Paul Kagame. Anastase Shyaka was appointed the minister of local government on the 18th October 2018, and he headed this ministry until he was unceremoniously dumped yesterday, 15th March 2021. As usual, after exhausting your usefulness, criminal Paul Kagame will dump you, and if you know too much of his criminal underworld secrets, he will make sure he sends death at your door step. Last night, it was the turn of Anastase Shyaka and other goons to be dumped after their usefulness were no longer required.

In the reshuffle, Gen Patrick Nyamvumba’s former side chick – Soraya Hakuziyaremye, and formerly a girlfriend to late musician Christopher Matata has been appointed the deputy governor Bank of Rwanda (BNR). The slay queen in the satanic regime was the minister of Trade and Industry before being appointed last night as the deputy governor Bank of Rwanda.

The most interesting appointment, it is the resurrection of former IGP of Police, ruthless Emmanuel Gasana as governor of Eastern Province. In May 2020, the former IGP of Police, assassin Maj Gen Emmanuel Gasana was removed from being the governor of Southern province, later prisoned at Kumurindi detention centre on charges of embezzlement and released in November 2020 on ground of medical condition after sending pleas to criminal Paul Kagame for forgiveness.

After repenting and being remorseful to his his boss, Emmanuel Gasana has been recycled as governor of Eastern Province.
N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog –
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