By: RPF Gakwerere
Yesterday, 16th July 2021, former President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Joseph Kabila, who has been studying for a PhD at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa, defended his thesis in front of 5 examiners, three who were present in interview room and other two external examiners were on Zoom.
President Joseph Kabila started his PhD studies in 2017, at School of Political Science and International Relations, University of Johannesburg, South Africa through long distance programme.

And on 16th July 2021, the former President of DRC Joseph Kabila defended his PhD thesis at the School of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
The theme of the Thesis: “Reflecting on Leadership Development in a post-conflict country case of the Democratic Republic of Congo.”

The PhD viva (Defence interview) took more than two hours, and the former General passed with flying colours. Now, his Dr Joseph Kabila.
President Joseph Kabila opted the route of achieving an academic Doctorate through studying and hard working rather than the usual honorary Doctorates given to dignitaries.
Congratulations President Joseph Kabila.