By: Rpf Gakwerere
In the photo below, the coordinator of Rwanda Patriotic Army rebel movement, Major Paul Kagame meeting President Mobutu Sese Seko in Nsele Municipality, Tshangu District, Kinshasa. This meeting between Mobutu Sese Seko and Rwanda Patriotic Army delegation took place in March 1991. Some people confuse the meeting below to another meeting held in Gbadolite, the ancestral home of President Mobutu Sese Seko.
These are the periods when criminal Paul Kagame was the Coordinator of Rwanda Patriotic Army, but was slowly, steadily and brutally grabbing the rebel movement, Rwanda Patriotic Army/Front (RPA/F), through eliminating rebel commanders connected or attached to slain/assassinated founding leader of RPA/F, Gen Fred GisaRwigema. And by year 2000, criminal Paul Kagame had fully grabbed the RPA/F, grabbed the Country, enslaved Rwandans and critically, eliminated all military and civilian elements perceived to be a threat to his authority.
To look presentable for this first engagement with a leader of a Country, the rebel delegation had to look smart with diplomatic sophistication, confidence and class. One of the RPF/A financier, business tycoon, Mzee Assinapol Rwigara bought for Rwanda Patriotic Army (RPA) coordinator, Major Paul Kagame 5 Giorgio Armani suits, the white suit that Criminal Paul Kagame is wearing in the photo below was bought for him by Mzee Assinapol Rwigara. And on orders and direction of criminal Paul Kagame, on 4th of February, 2015, Mzee Assinapol Rwigara was assassinated after a day of brutally being tortured by criminal Paul Kagame’s assassins.

Below, a look at the case of the Rwigara family and the sequence of Criminal Paul Kagame’s terror on them as written by Dr David Himbara.
1) Assinapol Rwigara, a successful businessman, took a risk and supported Kagame and RPF during the regime of General Juvenal Habyarimana.
2) Assinapol Rwigara remained a successful businessman during the Kagame regime investing in a hotel, real estate, and tobacco industry.
3) Assinapol Rwigara, like almost all other leading Rwandan businessmen, routinely fall out of Kagame’s favour. Some these businessmen flee Rwanda but Rwigara stayed in Rwanda.
4) Assinapol Rwigara dies in a mysterious automobile accident.
5) The Rwigara family asks Kagame to investigate Assinapol Rwigara’s mysterious death.
6) Kagame responds by demolishing Rwigara’s hotel in Kigali.
7) Diane Rwigara — Assinapol’s daughter — decides to run for the Rwandan presidency.
8) Kagame disqualifies Diane Rwigara from running for Rwandan presidency and locks the Rwigaras in their home.
9) Kagame throws Diane Rwigara and her mother Adeline Rwigara into prison.
10) Kagame auctions the Rwigaras’ last major asset, namely, their tobacco business.

The lesson from the tragedy of the Rwigaras is simple:
1. Kagame is a ruthless ruler who takes and saves lives as he wishes.
2. Kagame determines success and failure of every Rwandan.
3. Kagame determines what goes on in Rwanda, both in public and private spaces.
4. Kagame does not tolerate any independent expression of any kind from anybody. If you dare express even a mild criticism, Kagame will finish you either metaphorically or literally as in death.
N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog –
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