By: Rpf Gakwerere
In the photo below, with an arrow pointing at him, it’s Bas Congo boy, Major Willy Ngoma behind President Felix Tshisekedi and Vital Kamerhe. The photo was taken in 2018 during Felix Tshisekedi’s presidential campaign. For those who don’t know, Major Willy Ngoma is the current spokesman of criminal Paul Kagame’s M23/RDF army in DR Congo.

According to all reliable sources, Maj Willy Ngoma was in security details of Felix Tshisekedi and Vital Kamerhe during 2018 presidential election in DR Congo. During 2018 presidential election in DR Congo, Felix Tshisekedi and Vital kamerhe formed a political alliance, CACH (Coalition for Change), and criminal Paul Kagame’s boy, Maj Willy Ngoma was part of the security detail of this alliance.

By 2018, Major Willy Ngoma was a senior operative within M23, with close contact to the top Military echelons within Rwanda Defence Force (RDF). This infiltration of Major Willy Ngoma working in security team of Felix Tshisekedi and Vital kamerhe demonstrates how Criminal Paul Kagame had a deep team close to Felix Tshisekedi – Vital Kamerhe alliance. This explains the very close relationship between Felix Tshisekedi and criminal Paul Kagame at the beginning of Felix Tshisekedi’s presidency. From all sides, President Felix Tshisekedi was surrounding by criminal Paul Kagame’s infiltrators – agents.
On several occasions, Major Willy Ngoma has said how M23 delegation spent time in Kinshasa under the invitation of former president Joseph Kabila and continued living in Kinshasa even when Felix Tshisekedi became a president. On several of his interviews, the M23/RDF spokesman, Major Willy Ngoma has said how M23 personally knows President Felix Tshisekedi through different registered and unregistered meetings. And the youthful spokesman of M23/RDF has mentioned on several occasions how he once worked in Kinshasa as an escort to VIPs, and it seems, Felix Tshisekedi was one of these VIPs.
Like or hate criminal Paul Kagame, the criminal ruler of Rwanda is a master of intelligence infiltrations. For example, he was once able to infiltrate Burundi’s poli-military system through Lt Gen Godefroid Niyombare, the then head of Burundi’s National Intelligence Service (Service national de renseignement, SNR), and this relationship led to a failed Coup d’etat in 2015 against President Peter Nkurunziza.

In DR Congo, from the time of President Laurent Desire Kabila to present, criminal Paul Kagame’s intelligence agents are in all Poli-Military sphere. For example, on the 16th January 2001 president Laurent-Désiré Kabila was brutally assassinated by Criminal Paul Kagame’s agents and all investigations by various organisations have all led this callous assassination to criminal Paul Kagame’s door step.

Other examples are those of Maj Gen Kalev Mutond, the former director General of DR Congo’s National Intelligence Service, (Agence nationale de renseignements , ANR) was treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe’s boy. The recent case of François Beya, the former security advisor to President Felix Tshisekedi illustrates how Criminal Paul Kagame is a master of infiltration.

In Uganda, criminal Paul Kagame once captured Poli-Military institutions with several Poli-Military figures reporting to him, and now his slowly but steadily coming back. In South Africa, criminal Paul Kagame’s ambassador Vincent Karega was unceremoniously thrown out of the country for subversive activities and he was deployed in DR Congo where his currently infiltrating and leading high level targets i.e Lt Gen Delphin Kahimbi, Léon Lukaku, Gen Moustapha Jonas Mukiza Kayoyo, Brigadier General Amba Kabangu Willy….etc.

By end of January 2019, criminal Paul Kagame’s ambassador in Kenya, James Kimonyo and his first secretary Peter Matsiko were quietly expelled from the country for subversive activities. As usual, Kagame rewarded James Kimonyo with ambassadorial deployment to China while spy operative Peter Matsiko was deployed in USA as First Counsellor in the Permanent Mission of Rwanda to the United Nations in New York. Criminal Paul Kagame’s transnational repression in different capitals is well documented.

As long as criminal Paul Kagame is still the ruler of Rwanda, the Greatlakes region will never see or taste any peace.