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Home » Criminal Paul Kagame’s forces of RDF-M23 on Masisi axis are about 7 Km to Kitchanga Town.

Criminal Paul Kagame’s forces of RDF-M23 on Masisi axis are about 7 Km to Kitchanga Town.

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere

According to a source, a senior military officer within RDF-M23, Criminal Paul Kagame’s forces under Masisi axis are about 7 Km to Kitchanga Town.

Yesterday, 30th December 2022, this RDF-M23 source told me, “after a whole day of close Combat fighting, we have finally dislodged FARDC and their allies from their defensive position. We have been trying to dislodge them from this extended defensive position since the 23rd December to today. Finally, they have withdrawn in disarray towards Kitchanga town. We have combed the enemy out of villages of Kitsimba, Kamatemba, Kashiamba, Karenga, kalaké, Kavenu, Bwito and Bishusha. And our foremost positions are now 6 to 7Km to Kitchanga Town. By New year, we will be controlling the Town of Kitchanga. However, our forces on Sake axis are still facing stiff resistance from FARDC.”

RDF-M23 troops

This RDF-M23 source further noted, “On Monday, 26th December 2022, our forces on Sake axis tried to avoid enemy defences by using Virunga forest, to our surprise they met FARDC defences as they tried to exit the forest on route to Sake. Since Monday, 26th December up to now, Sake axis has been facing stiff resistance on the edge of Virunga forest. And we are sustaining heavy casualties and deaths. Dislodging a well dug defence has its costs.”

RDF-M23 troops

On why they need Sake, my source noted, “Sake is a military strategic centre in our military campaign. 1) It will be a defensive line against FARDC logic and reinforcement supply to their forces in Masisi.
2) Sake is a get way route to South Kivu.
3) Sake in our hands, Goma would be cut off from all possible key supply routes.
4) Our forces in Masisi would operate without worries of rear attacks from enemy forces.”

About Gakwerere