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Home » Clip In French: Spot On Analysis On The Relationship Between Criminal Paul Kagame And His Ruthless Rebel Outfit – Red Tabara

Clip In French: Spot On Analysis On The Relationship Between Criminal Paul Kagame And His Ruthless Rebel Outfit – Red Tabara

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere

In South Kivu, Red Tabara, a Burundian rebel outfit that is causing despicable human rights atrocities was formed, trained, armed, logistically supported and directly controlled from Village Urugwiro – criminal Paul Kagame’s office. Paul Kagame is the sole owner and proprietor of Red Tabara.

Red Tabara was formed in 2015, Kigali, by those who participated in Burundi’s 2015 failed coup d’etat, and later fled to Rwanda. A failed coup d’etat that was planned and executed from Kigali, by criminal Paul Kagame and his blue eyed attack pet, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe. After the 2015 failed Coup d’etat against the regime of President Peter Nkurunziza, we all know how Criminal Paul Kagame unleashed carnage on the streets of Bujumbura with spate of targeted high profile assassinations engulfing Burundi’s Capital.

This rebel outfit – Red Tabara was formed in Kigali by Rwanda’s Directorate of Military Intelligence, its man power recruited from Burundi refugee camp in Mahama – Rwanda, and these Burundians were trained at Nasho Basic Military Training Centre in Kirehe District and Nyungwe in Rwanda.

Then, criminal Paul Kagame armed them to the teeth and unleashed them in the Democratic Republic of Congo to cause carnage, uproot and Kill Banyamulenge. Since 2015 to present, they have caused enormous suffering and committed all sorts of human rights atrocities in South Kivu, DR Congo.

For years, Criminal Paul Kagame and his satanic regime have logistically supported and managed different human rights abusers in South Kivu, i.e Red Tabara and Mai Mai Yakutumba who have continuously killed and systematically tried to uproot Banyamulenge from their ancestral homes.

Criminal Paul Kagame is a cancer to the Great Lakes region, the region will never have peace as long as this ruthless narcissistic serial killer is still the ruler of the Potato enclave (Rwanda).

The analysis below on the relationship between Red Tabara and Criminal Paul Kagame, and their dark art campaign of killing and uprooting Banyamulenge is spot on.

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