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Home » East Africa » Paul Kagame’s Satanic Regime Buy A Complex From Paul Kagame The Fraudster – Businessman.

Paul Kagame’s Satanic Regime Buy A Complex From Paul Kagame The Fraudster – Businessman.

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere

Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA), a government institution tasked with management of government office space and assets paid Rwf 42,650,309,400 ($40 Million USA dollars) for a complex in Kigali as new a permanent home (offices) for four government agencies: Rwanda Development Board (RDB), Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA), Rwanda Mines, Petroleum & Gas Board (RMB) and Rwanda Land Management and Use Authority (RLMUA).

A Complex bought from Richard Murefu by Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA) at a whopping $ 40 Million.

However, the recent Rwanda auditor General’s report to Parliament raised various issues about the building noting how the building doesn’t fit the $40 Million USA dollars paid for the complex. The report noted, “the price paid was above the market price for a building with structural quality issues”. The building has persistent structural and architectural issues.

The auditor General’s report wondered how such amount of money would be released to purchase a Complex that has a small parking area despite Rwanda Housing Authority (RHA) knowing very well that the parking was small to handle number of clients who would be visiting government agencies that are to be based in this building.

Rwanda Housing Authority bought this Complex from Dictator Paul Kagame’s brother inlaw, Richard Murefu at a whopping $ 40 Million USA dollars.

With all the noises made by the Public Account Committee (PAC), in Criminal Paul Kagame’s buffoon Parliament, NO ONE is mentioning who was the original owner of the Complex, a decrepit building that Rwanda Housing Authority bought at a clean $ 40 million USA dollars. It’s an open secret that the building was ‘owned’ by Richard Murefu, and Rwanda Housing Authority bought the building from Richard Murefu, brother to Jeannette Nzirorera Kajuga Gasana Kagame and brother inlaw to Criminal Paul Kagame, ruler of an impoverished enclave.

Richard Murefu, Criminal Paul Kagame’s brother inlaw, a brother to Jeannette Nzirorera Kajuga Gasana Kagame.

The land that the Kagames built this complex was grabbed from Kigali City Authority, they then built a complex with architectural issues on this grabbed land, and after, they have now sold the building at a whopping $40 Million USA dollars to a country that they have hijacked.

The enclave – Rwanda is a police state, and such amounts CAN NEVER be released without the approval of Dictator Paul Kagame. The business transaction was from Paul Kagame the regime, buying from Kagame the businessman – property developer. It’s a usual paradigm, Criminal Paul Kagame Kagame and family corruption.

About Gakwerere

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