Friday , 18 October 2024
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’


By: RPF Gakwerere

In this piece, I will avoid to look at Paul Kagame’s numerous human rights atrocities or his exportation of terrorism on foreign sovereign states. I will be looking at his dealings with different merchants of death. His business dealings with well known arms dealers, and arms acquired to support terrorism within the greatlakes region.

1) A case of Paul Kagame and Viktor Bout, a well known Russian arms dealer.

In mid 1990s, Paul Kagame was a very close friend to Viktor Bout, a former Russian military officer turned arms dealer in different parts of the world. Viktor Bout sold weapons to African warlords, double-crossed dictators and fuelled civil wars in different parts of the world. In the 1990s he was nicknamed ‘Merchant of Death.’

During Laurent-Désiré Kabila’s liberation war in 1996, Paul Kagame who was the main driver of the rebellion connected his arm dealer friend Viktor Bout to Mzee Laurent-Désiré Kabila. Viktor Bout started supplying arms to Laurent-Désiré Kabila’s Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo-Zaire (ADFL) through Rwanda. Mzee Laurent Desire Kabila’s led rebellion received all sorts of ammunitions from Viktor Bouts through Criminal Paul Kagame.

In early 2000, The United Nations claimed Viktor Bout the chief key quartermaster to Charles Taylor, the Liberian dictator whose arms-for-gems deals in Sierra Leone helped fuel a civil war that cost more than 150,000 lives.

Viktor Bout, former Kagame associate now serving a jail sentence in USA

Then, media reports had Viktor Bout supplying arms to everyone from Colonel Gaddafi to al-Qaeda, from UNITA of Jonas Savimbi to Savimbi’s enemies, the Angolan government under José Eduardo dos Santos. From leftist rebels in South America to drug cartels in South America. From dictators in the indo china countries to guerrilla fighters in the same region.

Viktor Bout became a Billion in selling arms to those willing to buy them on black market. And criminal Paul Kagame was a key client of Viktor Bout.

On 6th March 2008, Paul Kagame’s friend, Viktor Bout was arrested in a five star hotel in Bangkok and extradited to USA where he was accused of attempting to buy arms and explosives for leftwing Farc rebels in Colombia.

Currently Viktor Bout is serving a 25-year prison term in the United States after being convicted for illegally selling weapons to a Colombian terrorist group.

2) Paul Kagame and his arms dealer friend, a Bulgarian Peter Mirchev.

After the arrest of Viktor Bout, Paul Kagame befriended another renown Bulgarian arms dealer, Peter Mirchev.

Mr Peter Mirchev was the main weapons supplier to Viktor Bout, and criminal Paul Kagame decided to look for the source, thus leading to an arms deal relationship between Peter Mirchev and criminal Paul Kagame.

Paul Kagame wanted constant supply of cheap weapons for his DR Congo plundering project, and Peter Mirchev was the person fit for the task. With different Kagame sponsored rebellions starting now and again in DR Congo, Peter Mirchev was a reliable source and master in black market cheap weapons which have continously caused carnage in DR Congo.

Up to now, the Bulgarian — Peter Mirchev is still an arms broker for Paul Kagame. For example, the weapons supplied to CNDP of Gen Laurent Nkunda were supplied by Peter Mirchev through criminal Paul Kagame, and since the formation of Dictator Paul Kagame’s M23 rebel movement in November 2012, weapons brokered by Peter Mirchev through criminal Paul Kagame are always being supplied to M23. Criminal Paul Kagame also supplied weapons purchased through black market to Red Tabara rebel movement, a brutal terrorist organisation that was formed and trained in Rwanda, and logistically being supported by criminal Paul Kagame to unleash all sorts of human rights atrocities in South Kivu – DR Congo.

These Kagame sponsored terror groups are using weapons that are untraceable, weapons with no gun serial number – unique identifier. All black market dealers of weapons, try their best to remove serial number – unique identifier.

The greatlakes region will never have or see any sight of peace as long as criminal Paul Kagame is still the ruler of Rwanda.

N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog –

However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using VPN.

About Gakwerere