By: Rpf Gakwerere
For the past 7 months, why is Criminal Paul Kagame continuing to avoid being in public, or meeting his oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed citizens? Today, 7th September 20, oppressed and enslaved Rwandans expected him to attend an event that he has never missed since 2003, a yearly event that must be started by the president of the republic.
Two months ago, criminal Paul Kagame’s office confirmed with the ministry of justice on the date for the launch of judicial year 2020 – 2021, and 7th September 2020 was confirmed by Kagame’s office.
Last week, Kagame’s office re-confirmed to the ministry of Justice on the ruler’s attendance and the timeline of the function.

However, yesterday, on Sunday, 6th September 20, Kagame’s office contacted the Justice ministry officials who were enjoying their weekends informing them on how the “president” won’t be available due to other responsibilities, but the function should go ahead without him, and his office would be sending a recorded speech of the “president” to be played during the function.

And today in Kimihurura – Kigali, during the launch of the judicial year 2020 – 2021, in a time allocated to Paul Kagame, a 4 minute clip of Kagame’s remark was played to those who attended the function.
During this function, social distancing and other Covid 19 health guidelines were put in place and followed, but criminal Paul Kagame who has been absent from the public for the past 7 months except in video clips was nowhere to be seen.

Back to my initial question, Why is Criminal Paul Kagame playing hide and seek with his oppressed and enslaved citizens?