Saturday , 27 July 2024
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Kenya vs Rwanda.  

By: Rpf Gakwerere

Underlying bad relationship between Uhuru Kenyatta and criminal Paul Kagame doesn’t intend to cease. And of recently, president Uhuru Kenyatta has shunned away from criminal Paul Kagame’s invitations.

The current blood relationship between Kenya’s president and his deputy was manufactured in Rwanda at the time when Louise Mushikiwabo was still the minister of foreign minister. The role of Louise Mushikiwabo’s play against these two men is key, and the massage of criminal Paul Kagame to support the deputy president to be the next president right into a year of a new term was crucial.

Remember, in December 2018, Kenya quietly expelled Rwanda’s ambassador in Kenya – James Kimonyo and first secretary for subversive activities in Kenya.

The pedigree and willingness of the satanic system ruling the enclave to export terrorism and encourage regime changes are unimaginable.

About Gakwerere

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