Tuesday , 25 March 2025
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’


By: Rpf Gakwerere

When we say that the potato enclave (Rwanda) as a country is an open prison, some who are unfamiliar with the potato enclave’s internal politics fail to grasp the concept. For sycophants, who are themselves part of this open prison will lament through ignorance, greedy, fear and most importantly selfishness; noting that “Lucifer is democratic and leading a human right abiding regime.” SIC!

Like any Rwandan living under this brutal dictatorship, the wrath of the junta regime doesn’t spare anyone, including the usual retards and mentally sick sycophants. This is a satanic regime that eats its own, it crashes its own and it doesn’t even spare those who helped to create the status quo. In short, it’s a hyena regime that swallows those that its meant to take care and protect.

Lt Gen Caesar Kayizari alias Ka whisky and Lt Gen Paul Rwarakabije alias Muhemu were typical Kagamist sycophants, the so called generals who failed their principle obligation of protecting the people, but rather preferred to sell their morals to Lucifer. In 2016, after their usefulness, Lucifer sacked them from their appointments, discarded and summarily retiring them from the army. For Lt Gen Caesar Kayizari alias Ka Wihisky was sacked from his ambassadorial position in 2016 and in the same year, Lt Gen Paul Rwarakabije alias Muhemu was sacked as the head of Rwanda’s prisons – jails institution. In short, 2016 was a hell year for these former military – uniform men.

Lt Gen Caesar Kayizari alias Ka whisky

Since 2016, they have been jobless, looking for work and engaged in managing their farms. Lt Gen Paul Rwarakabije has a farm in Musanze while Lt Gen Caesar Kayizari has a farm in Mutara. For those who know about Rwanda’s labour market, especially the top end positions, will understand that appointments must be approved by the RPF political bureau, it doesn’t matter if it’s private or public sector, and especially if individuals were former army officers.

Lt Gen Caesar Kayizari who is well known for his love for whisky, started facing Lucifer’s wrath at close range when he started confining to friends and family members about his economic situation, how tenants who are living in his two houses aren’t paying their rents, how he can’t keep on chasing and looking for new tenants every now and then, in his words “ndarambiwe (I am tired).” He also lamented to his close associates how all jobs that he has applied haven’t been forth coming due to certain people within the satanic system who are trying to frustrate him. In a country were a father spies a son and vice versa, where a wife spies a husband vice versa, where family members spy each other, where neighbours spy one another….etc.

Uttering such complaints or life frustrations (Kuganya) are deadly crimes within Kagame’s junta. Rwanda’s Lucifer doesn’t tolerate anyone who questions the status quo, especially from those senior officers who are on Gatebe (agatebe) or retired.

At the end of 2017, Lt Gen Caesar Kayizari’s lamenting reached the desk of Lucifer’s dreaded Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) and then, to the ears of Lucifer. Lt Gen Caesar knows very well, that once you utter any word to anyone, the next minutes the words are on Lucifer’s ears; especially for those high ranking officers who are on Gatebe or forcefully retired. These officers are under constant close surveillance mechanism by intelligence services personnel.

Since November 2017, the passport of Lt Gen Ceasar Kayizari was withdrawn/removed from him and he can’t leave Kigali without calling Gen Dan Munyuza’s hotline for permission. Currently, before even visiting his farm or relatives in Mutara, he has to call Dan Munyuza’s office for permission.

For Lt Gen Paul Rwarakabije, additional problems began piling up when he started complaining on delays of getting job references from the ministry of defence and the justice ministry. In early 2017, Lt Gen Paul Rwarakabije applied for a UN job in Mali; due to his education, skills and experience, he was granted an interviewed, he passed with flying colours and he was hired, pending on providing references from the above noted ministries.

Lt Gen Paul Rwarakabije alias Muhemu

The job was supposed to have started in June 2017, unfortunately, Lucifer instructed ministers from these respective ministries to don’t dare give him those references and that is how he missed out on a lucrative UN appointment which would have been a six months contract with 100% possibility of an extension.

Lt Gen Paul Rwarakabije has also applied for lecturing jobs in several Universities in Rwanda to no vail, obviously there is a force stopping those institutions to hire or even grant him job interviews.

His passport was withdrawn/removed from him in 2017, and been placed in a similar situation as Gen Caesar Kayizari where he calls a hotline number in Gen Dan Munyuza’s office for permission in case he wants to travel outside Kigali, or other parts of the Country including his farm in Musanze.

Like many of criminal Paul Kagame’s house boy generals in the potato enclave (Rwanda), these two officers are a mere addition to a long list of senior officers who are living under restrictions meant for terrorists who are out on bail or rehabilitation.

As they always say, leave matters of generals to generals. Unfortunately, under Lucifer’s potato enclave (Rwanda), there are no generals, we have only one general vampire and the rest are house boys who are tossed and squashed when they outlive their usefulness. And Lucifer is good at timing, he know when to use you and understands your expiry dates. Currently, he is the master of dictatorial timing.

He knows the best time when to hit or strike at his house boy generals. He knows when their services are no longer needed and when you know too much of his secrets, he will put you Agatebe (Gatebe) – jobless while at the same time planning how to give you a one way ticket to the graveyard.


N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog – rpfgakwerere.org.

However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog rpfgakwerere.org was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using a VPN.

About Gakwerere

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