By: Rpf Gakwerere
In May 2019, the mental ruler of the Potato Enclave closed Rwanda – Uganda entry border. And yesterday, Nature closed Rwanda-Tanzania border the only remaining route for the potato enclave to access seaport.
After closing Rwanda – Uganda border, the only alternative for landlocked potato enclave to access seaport was this route. And it has now collapsed due to heavy rainfall, and the collapsed section is in Tanzania where the potato enclave has no say on repair timeline.
Since May 2019, after the mental dictator closing Rwanda – Uganda border, the value of Rwanda francs started collapsing, inflation of consumer commodities started increasing, Inland revenue tax collection recipients reduced, prices of goods doubled within weeks with retail and wholesale being hit with all sorts of economic challenges , businesses went burst (collapsed)…etc.
With Rwanda – Tanzania road now closed, criminal Paul Kagame has no option but to open the Rwanda – Uganda border.
Will Tanzania fix this road in less than two weeks? If Tanzania doesn’t fix this road quickly, prices of goods in Potato enclave (Rwanda) could quadruple, thereby triggering economic collapse for the already impoverished country. Or will economic situation or the already collapsing economy make the mental dictator – criminal Paul Kagame realise that there is no way out except opening Rwanda – Uganda border.
Always remember, criminal Paul Kagame doesn’t care or give a damn about oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed citizens. To him, what matters, it’s himself and his children.