By: Rpf Gakwerere
Is Criminal Paul Kagame planning to bring back from the cold death merchant Maj Gen Jack Nziza?
On the nights of 15th and 20th April 2020, death merchant Maj Gen Jack Nziza was summoned by criminal Paul Kagame at Village Urugwiro.
With the dismissal – sacking of Gen Patrick Nyamvumba as minister for security, is Criminal Paul Kagame planning to appoint death merchant Maj Gen Jack Nziza to the this ministry?

Is Criminal Paul Kagame planning to recall his most prolific assassin, Maj Gen Jack Nziza? Does death merchant Jack Nziza still have the guts to kill for his bloodthirsty boss, especially when you consider the circumstances of his dismissal from the army? Will death merchant Jack Nziza allow to be recycled?