By: Rpf Gakwerere
Minion Eduard Bamporiki to his master – criminal Paul Kagame, “your excellency, you appoint us to perform certain functions, in trying to achieve these set of functions we meet challenges, and these challenges are set against us by our own colleagues who want to fail us. Your excellency, everyday we are jumping and dodging traps set against us, by these people who don’t want us to achieve objectives and goals that you require us to achieve. Your excellency, you need to protect us from these people.” Eduard Bamporiki lamented to his criminal minded boss – Paul Kagame, about a set of mafias who are always out to fail officials appointed by him.
In the clip below, an eloquent Hussein Habimana is talking on the challenges he faced at the hands of mafias while at Rwanda’s football federation – FERWAFA. Hussein Habimana was FERWAFA’s technical Director. Now, Hussein Habimana wants to meet dictator Paul Kagame to tell him about the rot in Rwanda’s football association.
Unfortunately, Hussein Habimana thinks that Paul Kagame doesn’t know how FERWAFA is the centre of corruption, nepotism and unprofessionalism. Obviously, through his various intelligence networks, dictator Paul Kagame knows everything that happens within FERWAFA, but the dude doesn’t give any single damn.
In Rwanda, institution failures start from the top, the presidency. What happens at FERWAFA is a reflection of Rwanda under the authoritarian regime of criminal Paul Kagame. Institutions don’t function, there is a systematic failure of institutional leadership. Institutions are being led by unprofessional minions who report to intelligence services rather than qualified, professional and experienced managers with clear leadership skills.
In the clip below, it shows a young man with a clear vision, unfortunately he couldn’t implement his vision due to nasty mafias within FERWAFA.
The clip below is in Kinyarwanda.