Tuesday , 22 October 2024
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’


By: Rpf Gakwerere

Currently, Rwanda has the highest concentration of assassins and human rights abusers. Potato enclave – Rwanda, has been turned into a land of all sorts of heartless human rights abusers, the mindset ruling the enclave rotates around torture and killing. A land where cows are valued more than human beings, terms MUFANYIYE, UWA ADUI, UWA KIPINGA,  UWA MUJINGA, ALINUNG’UNIKA LAZIMA AUAWE, …..etc, are orders of the day.

The eager to spread blood of innocent citizens has now shifted to new generation, Dictator Paul Kagame’s daughter – Ange Kagame who has embraced the thirst for blood, the satisfaction of killing innocent citizens at all cost and the belief that she should be her father’s image, an image of kidnapping, torture, incarceration and killing at grand scale.

Young serial killer, ruthless Ange Kagame

Through mothers, we expect tranquility, love, peace, harmony, care and happiness; these aren’t the case with Jeannette Nzirorera Kajuga Gasana Kagame, she is as brutal, callous, nasty, greedy bloodthirsty as her estranged husband, dictator Paul Kagame.

It’s from this background of abusing human rights and disregarding any human sanctity norms that death merchant Maj Gen Jack Nziza introduced the skinning method as a torture technique.

Death merchant Maj Gen Jack Nziza

What is skinning torture technique and who introduced the technique?

This is a torture technique that was introduced by death merchant Maj Gen Jack Nziza, where a suspect is slowly skinned off (skin peeling) during torture, by using Japanese sharp knives.

Directorate of Military Intelligence torturers will slowly peel off the skin of a person who is being tortured, as he/she is questioned or mocked. When the target starts bleeding a nurse will be called to treat and patch the wound(s), as torturers return on another day to continue with their torture. They take their time in slowly torturing the suspect, they administer a slow painful death to the suspect.

Which year did death merchant Maj Gen Jack Nziza introduce skinning technique within Dictator Paul Kagame’s security apparatus? And who was it meant for? 

Death merchant Maj Gen Jack Nziza introduced the skinning method in 2012, and this slow painful torture technique was initially meant for any suspected Rwanda National Congress (RNC) supporter(s) or sympathiser(s).

After the birth of Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa’s Rwanda National Congress (RNC), in December 2010, criminal Paul Kagame gave the then chief security  enforcer – Jack Nziza, a free way to kidnap, arrest, torture, incarcerate or kill anyone suspected of being a member, supporter or sympathiser of RNC.

In January 2011, Paul Kagame told his then security enforcer – Jack Nziza, “deal with members of RNC as you wish, don’t bother asking me for permission.” This gave freeway for Maj Gen Jack Nziza to first crash those elements within security services that he personally didn’t desire – like, by fabricating dossiers linking them to RNC, especially to Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa. Muscled with huge operation funds, Jack Nziza spilled blood of innocent citizens without any single remorse.

In 2012, death merchant Jack Nziza upgraded Directorate of Military Intelligence’s torture technique by introducing skinning (skin peeling) as a punishment to anyone attached to Rwanda National Congress or Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa. Jack Nziza noted how other torture methods like electrocution or execution through Agapfuni (short hoe), were privileges to a suspect, thus introducing the most inhumane torture technique, skinning.

Criminal Paul Kagame

Few examples of those suspected RNC members that were kidnapped and skinned to a painful, slow brutal death. 

1) Sergeant Dominic Nsabagasani, was kidnapped in 2012, by Rwanda’s Directorate of Military Intelligence operatives in Uganda, with the support of double agent Gen Kale Kayihura. He was whisked to Rwanda, where he spent days going through skinning torture until his death.

2) Major Alphonse Bicyamumpaka was kidnapped in 2012, by Rwanda’s Directorate of Military Intelligence operatives in Uganda with the support of double agent Gen Kale Kayihura. He was whisked to Rwanda, where he spent days going through skinning torture until his death.

4) Aime Ntabana was kidnapped in May 2013, by Rwanda’s Directorate of Military Intelligence operatives in Uganda with the support of double agent Gen Kale Kayihura. He was whisked to Rwanda, where he spent days going through skinning torture until his death.

5) Patrick Rukundo Ngabonziza was kidnapped in 2013, by Rwanda’s Directorate of Military Intelligence operatives in Uganda, who had unlimited support and approval from double agent Gen Kale Kayihura. he was whisked to Rwanda, where he spent days going through skinning torture until his death.

6) Kadogo Mugisha was kidnapped in 2014, by Rwanda’s Directorate of Military Intelligence operatives in Uganda, who had unlimited support and approval from double agent Gen Kale Kayihura. he was whisked to Rwanda, where he spent days going through skinning torture until his death.

7) Captain Augustine Mushimiyimana was kidnapped in 2014, by Rwanda’s DMI operatives in Uganda, with clear support and authorisation from double agent Gen Kale Kayihura; he was whisked back to Rwanda, where he spent days going through painful skinning torture until his death.

8) Major Emmanuel Munyaruguru, a Norwegian Citizen of Rwandan origin, was kidnapped in 2014, by Rwanda’s DMI operatives in Uganda, with clear support and authorisation from double agent Gen Kale Kayihura; he was whisked back to Rwanda, where he spent nearly a month going through skinning torture until his death.

9) Major Emmanuel Nkubana aka Manuel Kadogo who was kidnapped on the 28th September 2016, by Rwanda’s DMI operatives in Uganda, with clear support and authorisation from double agent Gen Kale Kayihura; he was whisked back to Rwanda, where he spent nearly a month going through painful skinning torture until his death.

10) Etc…

Despite Maj Gen Jack Nziza being sidelined – dumped by his master, dictator Paul Kagame, skinning (peeling of skin) torture technique is still continuing to present day.

While other nations are inventive in science and technology, for the case of Rwanda, courtesy of criminal Paul Kagame, they have excelled in torture inventiveness, assassination techniques and mass killings.

N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog – rpfgakwerere.org.

However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog rpfgakwerere.org was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using VPN.

About Gakwerere

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