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Home » East Africa » “The evil of the region is called Kagame,” notes DR Congo’s minister of communication Patrick Muyaya during an interview on France 24.

“The evil of the region is called Kagame,” notes DR Congo’s minister of communication Patrick Muyaya during an interview on France 24.

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere

Press review of Tuesday January 23, 2024 Some newspapers published this Tuesday, January 23, return to the media and government interventions by DR Congo’s Minister of Communication and Media, a few days after the swearing-in of President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi.

The evil of the Great Lakes region is Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda, who is engaged in destabilizing his neighbours, now he has forced neighbour to pull together their resources to pacify the, analyzed Patrick Muyaya, in comments relayed by Forum des As newspaper.

Patrick Muyaya, DR Congo’s ministry of communications and media

“It is not surprising to see this situation resurface because it is part of the permanent strategy to destabilize the neighbours. And I also think that there is a high-level dialogue between our President, Félix Tshisekedi and that of Burundi, Evariste Ndayishimiye in a pulling efforts for the return of peace to the region in general,” responded Minister Muyaya, adds the newspaper.

For its part, the Congolese Press Agency (ACP), notes that the DR Congo, as far as it is concerned, is mainly counting on the rise in power of its national army that is currently engaged in a modernization process financed by a budgetary allocation of one billion US dollars as part of a programming law, passed by Parliament. To fight against armed groups supported by President Kagame’s Rwanda, adds the ACP, a regional force from the Southern African States (SADC), commanded by a South African general, has been deployed since December 15 with troops and equipments in the East where M23 terrorists are sowing death and desolation, alongside Rwandan troops.

In another vein, the media return to the work that the General Inspectorate of Finance intends to begin in 2024. The Congolese Press Agency reports that the General Inspectorate of Finance is committed to strengthening the fight against bad practices in public management during the year 2024. “Financial patrol remains the mode par excellence of public finance control to bring the DR Congo on the list of great nations in terms of public management”, affirmed Jules Alingete, Inspector General, head of department of this audit institution quoted by the ACP

Africa News recalls that thanks to the work of the IGF, Kinshasa and Beijing reached an agreement after re-visiting the clauses of the Chinese contract, considered leonine in its initial form. In the name of this agreement, Kinshasa will benefit from 7 billion dollars in ten years, or 700 million USD per year, allocated to the reconstruction of national roads, adds the tabloid. A first disbursement, estimated at 300 million USD, will be made in January 2024, while the second, to the tune of 400 million, will take place three months later, concludes Africa News.

About Gakwerere

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