By: Rpf Gakwerere
Since the late 2017, they have been blacklisted by criminal Paul Kagame’s Directorate of Military Intelligence’s (now rebranded as Defence Intelligence) for elimination.
Within Rwanda’s Intelligence circle, most especially DMI, they are known as opposition ‘noise makers,’ and criminal Paul Kagame extremely hates noise makers who oppose him, he expects all noises made ought to be in support of him and his satanic regime.
Rugema Kayumba, Titus Seruga, Prossy Boona and Edgar Tabaro are very well known by Criminal Paul Kagame. Different intelligence operatives have continuously briefed criminal Paul Kagame about these individuals.

In 2017, when Paul Kagame was briefed on how these individuals are leading noise makers in a drive to remove Kale Kayihura from his IGP position, and Kayihura was his then most important asset within Uganda’s establishment; the brutal dictator signed their fate. He personally authorised their blacklisting and elimination. During this time, the then minister of defence, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe was the head of Uganda desk, and the task was given to him.

Gen James Kabarebe tried his best to see these individuals are eliminated through poison, but they survived as James Kabarebe and his operatives failed to penetrate close circles of these individuals.

On the 15th July 2018, Col Andrew Nyamvumba, brother to Gen Patrick Nyamvumba who is currently under house arrest was appointed to head DMI, and he tried his best to see these 4 individuals are eliminated but failed.

As Col Andrew Nyamvumba was being appointed on the 15th July 2018, dictator Paul Kagame was slowly planning how to replace General James Kabarebe, and the chief hunter of the mentioned individuals, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe was unceremoniously removed as the Minister of defence and head of Uganda desk, on the 18th October 2018.
On the same day Gen James Kabarebe was being thrown out, Dictator Paul Kagame appointed Col Anaclet Kalibata to head his external intelligence, and files of above mentioned individuals falls under external intelligence and Directorate of Military Intelligence (J2).
After merely a year heading DMI, Col Andrew Nyamvumba was dismissed on the 2nd September 2019 for incompetence, and replaced by a notorious Burundian born Rwandan assassin – Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi, an operative who has mastered the art of quiet elimination, what is known in military intelligence as ‘silent deletion.’
Within DMI, competence is measured in accordance to number of people who have been kidnapped or eliminated, and Andrew Nyamvumba was short of expected normal targets in terms of committing human rights atrocities, thus being dismissed by the brutal ruler – Director Paul Kagame.
After the dismissal of treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe, dictator Paul Kagame appointed a well-known serial assassin IGP Brig Gen Dan Munyuza to head this crucial intelligence desk, Uganda desk. Since the end of 2018 to present, Brig Gen Dan Munyuza has been the chief coordinator in the hunt to eliminate Rugema Kayumba, Titus Seruga, Prossy Boona and Edgar Tabaro.
Currently, serial assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza is going through hard times, his being investigated on mismanagement of operation funds. And Burundian born Rwandan security officers, who are close to Jeannette Nzirorera Kajuga Gasana Kagame are eying for his Inspector General of Police position. Serial assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza is being encircled from all sides. For years, this dimwit brutal assassin has created all sorts of enemies within the satanic regime, and now, people that he serves with in the satanic regime want his vampire blood.
Last year, on 26th August 20, dictator Paul Kagame shocked his senior house boy generals by appointing the first woman, ACP Lynder Nkuranga as the new Director General of External Intelligence. Prior to her appointment, ACP Lynder Nkuranga was in charge of identifying, recruiting and handling female operatives. As the head of police protocol, her key role was mainly in the field of leading female operatives and handling them in their various intelligence operations.

ACP Lynder Nkuranga knows alot of dirty operations done by criminal Paul Kagame’s female operatives. Her appointment as Director General of external intelligence wasn’t by a mistake, dictator Paul Kagame was rewarding a cold blooded killer to head what men had failed.
Since ACP Lynder Nkuranga is the current Director General of Rwanda’s external intelligence; it falls within her operation docket to hunt down Rugema Kayumba, Titus Seruga, Prossy Boona and Edgar Tabaro for elimination.
Operation queue to eliminate Rugema Kayumba, Titus Seruga, Prossy Boona and Edgar Tabaro is always manned by bloodthirsty operatives. In Uganda, there are key Kagamist serial assassins, Col James Burabyo – Rwanda’s notorious Defence Attaché in Uganda, Chief Inspector of Police Ismail Baguma real names Mubarak Twahirwa – Rwanda’s notorious Police attaché in Uganda and John Ngarambe. And on the 25th September 20, criminal Paul Kagame beefed up his operations in Uganda by naming a well known assassin – a Burundian born Rwandan, Col Joseph Rutabana, as Rwanda’s new ambassador to Uganda.
Will Rugema Kayumba, Titus Seruga, Prossy Boona and Edgar Tabaro survive criminal Paul Kagame’s 2021 onslaught on their lives?
Will the GODS still protect them in 2021?
This year, will criminal Paul Kagame remove their names from the blacklist?
Will criminal Paul Kagame change the elimination code from quiet elimination to elimination by all means necessary?
N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog –
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