By: Rpf Gakwerere
Since 1996 to present, criminal Paul Kagame, his lapdog – treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe and their mercenary cronies have been plundering and looting DR Congo at an industrial scale.
In this racketeering of plundering and looting DR Congo, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe has been the operation kingpin of criminal Paul Kagame’s project of getting wealth at the expense of human lives and other human rights atrocities.
Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe was the founding guardian of AFDL of the late Mzee Laurent Desire Kabila, the founding father of RCD rebellion, founding father of UPC/FPLC of Thomas Lubanga/Bosco Ntaganda, founding father of CNDP of Gen Laurent Nkunda rebellion, founding father of M23 of Sultan Makenga/Bosco Ntaganda, founding father of Red Tabara and chief supporter of Mai Mai Yakutumba.
Now, criminal Paul Kagame has unleashed a rebranded M23 under a new name of ARC (Armée révolutionnaire du Congo) rebel movement that attacked North Kivu on early hours of 8th November 2021.
In a clip below, the spokesman of the newly rebranded M23, ARC (Armée révolutionnaire du Congo) rebel movement reading a statement.

Initially, at its birth in April 2012, M23 was a political wing of ARC (Armée révolutionnaire du Congo), but its leadership preferred to use M23 name on both pol-military discussions and references.