By: Rpf Gakwerere
For years, some of the elements being talked in the program below have been everything wrong that happens in South Kivu. Killer minded elements like Moise Nyarugabo and Azarias Ruberwa are key architectures of inter division among Banyamulenge and instability in South Kivu.

For example, at the end of 2015, Criminal Paul Kagame used Moise Nyarugabo, Azarias Ruberwa and some senior military officers within FARDC in the deployment of Red Tabara rebels from Rwanda to South Kivu, DR Congo. Red Tabara, is a Burundian rebel movement that was formed in Rwanda, trained in Rwanda and continuously supported by criminal Paul Kagame.

It is Moise Nyarugabo, Azarias Ruberwa and their RCD political party that participated in the deployment of Red Tabara, the same Red Tabara that joined forces with Mai Mai militias to kill Banyamulenge. Moise Nyarugabo, Azarias Ruberwa and their RCD terror group are washed in blood of innocent Banyamulenge, the same way as criminal Paul Kagame and various Mai Mai militia groups.

Like I have pointed out in my various posts, RCD and its Amahoro Peace Association are terrorist Organisations affiliated to Rwanda’s Directorate of Military Intelligence, a well known terrorist organisation.
Interesting information below, the program is in Kinyamulenge.
N.B: Azarias Ruberwa is also corrupt to the core, a unique topic for another day.