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Home » World News » Archive: Criminal Paul Kagame’s Chief Agent In President Felix Tshisekedi’s Office Under Arrest (12th February 2022)

Archive: Criminal Paul Kagame’s Chief Agent In President Felix Tshisekedi’s Office Under Arrest (12th February 2022)

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere

With Kagame’s chief agent within accidental President Felix Tshisekedi’s office, Francois Beya Kasongo gone – under investigation for plotting a coup d’etat. Dictator Paul Kagame has other two well known agents – intelligence links within Tshisekedi’s office, Claude Ibalanky Ekolomba and Fortunat Biselele.


Francois Beya Kasongo

With François Beya Kasongo gone, internal wars between François Beya and Fortunat Biselele for the ear of Tshisekedi will be no more, Fortunat Biselele is now the kingpin within Tshisekedi’s inner circle. These are the same elements that destroyed the political career of Vital Kamerhe when he was chief of staff/Director of cabinet In President Felix Tshisekedi’s office.

Fortunat Biselele

One thing that you have to credit criminal Paul Kagame, the warmonger always has plan B, an alternative plan to whatever dark plan he has.

Claude Ibalanky Ekolomba

About Gakwerere

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