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Home » East Africa » DR Congo: “The Head Of State Is Deploying a Lot Of Resources….He Is In The Process Of Modernizing the army,” Says Jean-Pierre Bemba.

DR Congo: “The Head Of State Is Deploying a Lot Of Resources….He Is In The Process Of Modernizing the army,” Says Jean-Pierre Bemba.

By Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere

DR Congo’s The Deputy Prime Minister of National Defence, Jean-Pierre Bemba, who ended his tour last Saturday, 5th August 2023, in Kisangani, stressed that DR Congo being constantly attacked by Rwanda should be every Congolese’s business and worry.

On a visit to assess military preparations and operations in FARDC’s 3rd defence zone, Jean-Pierre Bemba said that the country is in the process of strengthening the army while encouraging elements of the third defence zone to be Patriotic to their homeland, DR Congo.

DR Congo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Jean-Pierre Bemba

“We must have the same spirit, which is to defend our nation, defend our country. We have continuously been attacked by Rwanda, we are defending ourselves. The Head of State is deploying a lot of means to solve this problem.. He is in the process of modernizing the army,” Jean-Pierre Bemba declared while addressing men and officers of the 3rd military zone in Kisangani, Tshopo. The 3rd military zone controls Tshopo, Ituri, Maniema, Bas and Haut-Uélé, North and South Kivu.

Alongside his Kenyan counterpart, Aden Barre Duale, DR Congo’s The Deputy Prime Minister of National Defence, Jean-Pierre Bemba also encouraged collaboration with Kenya because, he says, “it’s just for a while”.

Jean-Pierre Bemba and Kenya’s Minister of Defence, Aden Barre Duale

“For a solid Congolese army, military logistics and professional military training of units are essential,” said Jean-Pierre Bemba.

“Logistical problems are being taken into account and we will solve the challenges. The President of the Republic Félix Tshisekedi has put a lot of resources into logistics and training of units in order to further solidify our army,” he said in his message.

He congratulated the men in uniform for the hard work they are doing to bring peace to the Eastern DR Congo.

At Camp Lieutenant-General Bahuma, the head of National Defence, Jean-Pierre Bemba spent hours being briefed and debriefing Congolese and Kenyan officers stationed at FARDC’s 3rd military zone headquarter in Kisangani, Tshopo. Jean-Pierre Bemba was given tour of Lieutenant-General Bahuma military Camp by 3rd military zone commander, Lt Gen Marcel Mbangu Mashita, and the proceeded to witness demonstration session of new units being trained by Kenyan instructors.

While watching military drills done by newly trained military recruits, Jean-Pierre Bemba noted, “at this time when the DR Congo is confronted with insecurity and terrorism, it is through counting on sincere cooperation with friendly countries that this insecurity situation that is also affecting neighbouring countries can be defeated. We have invite Kenya as a friendly country to sincerely accompany the DR Congo in this crisis of aggression from a neighbouring country, Rwanda.”  Jean-Pierre Bemba noted this in the presence of his Kenyan counterpart, Aden Bare Duale.

About Gakwerere

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