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Home » East Africa » Criminal Paul Kagame Resurrects Lt Gen Charles Kayonga As Rwanda’s Ambassador To Turkey

Criminal Paul Kagame Resurrects Lt Gen Charles Kayonga As Rwanda’s Ambassador To Turkey

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere

Dictator Paul Kagame has just appointed senior Igifobafane (Spineless military officer), Lt Gen Charles Kayonga as Rwanda’s new ambassador in Turkey. Lt Gen Charles Kayonga has been jobless since July 2019 to present, this was after being dumped as Rwanda’s ambassador to China in July 2019.

Lt Gen Charles Kayonga

Lt Gen Charles Kayonga has been through rough times. Formerly Chief of Defence Staff, Charles Kayonga was dumped to China as ambassador in February 2014, the appointment to China came after being without any role/job since June 2013, after being dumped as Rwanda’s Chief of Defence Staff. Now, after more than 4 years without a job, Criminal Paul Kagame has resurrected his former goon, a senior Igifobafane (Spineless military officer) with a deployment in Turkey, as Rwanda’s new ambassador.

Lt Gen Charles Kayonga

Lt Gen Charles Kayonga is a brother inlaw to Rwanda army spokesperson, Ronald Rwivanga, an RDF civilian in chief with Brig Gen pips in his shoulders. Within RDF, Ronald Rwivanga is known as a pitiless motormouth Kyenyeji in military uniform. Ronald Rwivanga is a ruthless criminal with military pips given to him by Kagame due to family connection(s).

Ronald Rwivanga

About Gakwerere

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