By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere
Notorious duo, Maj Gen Vincent Nyakarundi alias Mubembe and fake Brig Gen Fred Muziraguharara are behind everything that is currently happening to Gen Jean Bosco Kazura. These are the same duo who also participated in brutal assassination of Lt Gen Jacques Musemakweli in February 2021.

Maj Gen Vincent Nyakarundi alias Mubembe has always been envy of Gen Jean Bosco Kazura. Vincent Nyakarundi alias Mubembe who was then DMI Chief (recently rebranded as Defence Intelligence) wasn’t totally happy when Gen Jean Bosco Kazura was appointed Chief of Defence Staff in November 2019.

A civilian with Brig Gen pips in his shoulders being used by another civilian with Maj Gen pips in his shoulders to record a full General who was then a Chief of Defence Staff. This is how notorious assassin Fred Muziraguharara was used by Maj Gen Vincent Nyakarundi to record his supposed “friend” Gen Jean Bosco Kazura. A naive Gen Jean Bosco Kazura openly talked to Fred Muziraguharara on DR Congo issues, operation challenges, troops deaths and casualties, unknowingly that a person he thought was a family friend was there to initiate a conversation on DR Congo while quietly recording the whole frank and candid conversation.

Brig Gen Fred Muziraguharara and his wife are close family friends to Gen Jean Bosco Kazura and his wife, and Fred Muziraguharara used this trust to do Vincent Nyakarundi’s dirty bidding against Gen Jean Bosco Kazura who was then the Chief of Defence Staff, and Vincent Nyakarundi alias Mubembe was the Head of Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI).
Voice record of Gen Jean Bosco Kazura quietly opposing Kagame’s mineral war in DR Congo came from notorious assassin Fred Muziraguharara who passed the info to Chief of Military Intelligence (now, land force commander) – killer Vincent Nyakarundi, and then to Dictator Paul Kagame. And Gen Jean Bosco Kazura was then dumped as Rwanda’s Chief of Defence Staff and put under close surveillance. For evil sly Vincent Nyakarundi, he was rewarded with an appointment to head the Land forces.
It’s due to Jeanette Nzirorera Kajuga Gasana Kagame that Gen Jean Bosco Kazura is still alive or not in a maximum prison.