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Home » East Africa » DRC: FARDC Warns “Nyota TV And Certain Other Media Houses In DR Congo Who Are Under The Payment Of The enemy”

DRC: FARDC Warns “Nyota TV And Certain Other Media Houses In DR Congo Who Are Under The Payment Of The enemy”

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere

The Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) accuse Nyota TV channel of opposition figure Moïse Katumbi and certain other media of “destabilizing, demoralizing and dividing the army”. FARDC warned in statement released on Sunday December 24, both signed and read on National broadcast by FARDC spokesperson, MAj Gen Sylvain Ekenge.

“For some time, Nyota television and certain media in the pay of the enemy have been broadcasting information fabricated to destabilize, demoralize and divide the army,” indicates the press release, read by the spokesperson for the FARDC, Major General Sylvain Ekenge.

“The political character of the army and its loyalty is to its supreme commander, President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi,” said Maj Gen Sylvain Ekenge in his communique.

The Congolese army warns that “it will take the necessary measures to enforce the rigor of the law if this situation continues”.

FARDC asked these media houses to refrain from poisoning the military and involving the FARDC in political wrangles.

About Gakwerere

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