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Home » East Africa » The Misguided Celebrations By Criminal Paul Kagame’s Inept Agents On Social: Kanyabayonga Axis.

The Misguided Celebrations By Criminal Paul Kagame’s Inept Agents On Social: Kanyabayonga Axis.

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere

In a glaring display of misjudgment, Satan’s inept agents on social media, prematurely celebrated a perceived victory in Kanyabayonga. When the FARDC (Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo) began relocating their artillery weapons to the hills surrounding Kanyabayonga for better cover and protection, Criminal Paul Kagame’s inept agents on social media mistook this tactical maneuver for a retreat. A video showing the movement of these weapons was hailed as evidence of the RDF-M23’s (Rwandan Defence Forces) capture of the area.

However, this celebration was grossly misplaced. The advancing RDF-M23 force, which aimed to seize control of Kanyabayonga, was met with fierce resistance and ultimately crushed by FARDC’s 32nd Brigade. The current battleground is now situated 12 kilometers away from Kanyabayonga, far from the supposed victory site.

Congolese people, especially the FARDC, are determined to transform Kanyabayonga into another Sake, a deadly trap for the young men sent to fight in Kagame’s mineral war. The RDF must abandon any hopes of entering the hostile Lubero Territory. This latest round of Paul Kagame’s criminal mineral war in the DR Congo, which started in November 2021, is unwinnable. The chances of striking a backdoor deal, as Kagame did with former DR Congo President Joseph Kabila, are now virtually nonexistent under President Felix Tshisekedi.

The misinterpretation of the FARDC’s strategic movements and the subsequent defeat of RDF-M23 forces highlight the delusions under which Kagame’s inept agents operate. The Congolese resolve to defend their territory and turn strategic locations into death traps for invaders underscores the futility of Kagame’s ambitions in DR Congo.

About Gakwerere

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