By: Rpf Gakwerere
* Military intelligence chief, Gen Delphin Kahimbi Died on 28 February 20. All indications point to have been poisoned by a female operative after being interrogated by the Directorate General of Migration (DGM). Gen Delphin Kahimbi was eliminated by poisoned that was administered by a female DMI agent.
Just a day before his death, on 27th February 20, Gen Delphin Kahimbi referred to his troubles as “a political affair that is being conducted remotely from certain capital run by the imperialists”. This capital was Kigali. For years, Gen Delphin Kahimbi was a top target by Rwanda’s Directorate of Military Intelligence (DM).

* Léon Lukaku, head of counter-espionage service at the National Intelligence Agency (ANR) died on 9th March 20. He died in a similar way as Gen Delphin Kahimbi. Léon Lukaku was eliminated by quick reaction poison.

* Gen Moustapha Jonas Mukiza Kayoyo was the commander of Second Military Zone, provinces of Kasais region (Kasai Occidental, Kasai central and Kasai oriental) and Katanga region. Gen Moustapha Jonas Kayoyo died on 22nd July 20. He was eliminated by poisoned, and the military grade poison slowly infected his internal organs which led to his death, due to multi organ failure.

* Brigadier General Amba Kabangu Willy was the commander of SOKOLA II in North Kivu operational sector. In short, Brigadier General Amba Kabangu Willy was the commander of DR Congo’s special forces in North Kivu. He was brutally assassinated and died on 29th July 2020. He died in a similar manner as Gen Delphin Kahimbi. He was poisoned with a quick reaction poison.
All above personnel, in one way or another resisted by all means to be Kigali stooges.