Friday , 20 September 2024
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’

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Persecution And Torture Of Rwandan Journalist Dieudonne Niyonsenga, Also Known As Cyuma Hassan By Dictator Paul Kagame’s Terror Regime

Opposition leaders and commentators in Rwanda are being persecuted by the authorities for “their speech and opinions”, intensifying a culture of intolerance towards dissent, a human rights group has said. “People are not free to express themselves on anything that might be seen as challenging the government or what it …

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Persecution And Torture Of Rwandan Journalist Dieudonne Niyonsenga, Also Known As Cyuma Hassan By Dictator Paul Kagame’s Terror Regime

Opposition leaders and commentators in Rwanda are being persecuted by the authorities for “their speech and opinions”, intensifying a culture of intolerance towards dissent, a human rights group has said. “People are not free to express themselves on anything that might be seen as challenging the government or what it …

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