By: Rpf Gakwerere
Today is the 4th day since University lecturer, Aimable Karasira was kidnapped by Rwanda police’s counter intelligence unit which is under assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza’s right hand man, CP Egide Ruzigamanzi.

Over the years, CP Egide Ruzigamanzi has made a name within criminal Paul Kagame’s intelligence services and feared by even senior officers within the army, he has adopted his mentor’s modus operandi of doing things.

Since assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza was relocated from the army to police, he has been mentoring CP Egide Ruzigamanzi and placing him in money making positions. Like his mentor assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza, CP Egide Ruzigamanzi also hated to the core the previous Inspector General of Police – Emmanuel Gasana alias Rurayi.

Without doubt, when your under criminal Paul Kagame’s assassins anything is possible, and death being the ultimatum price. Therefore, as days pass without the family and friends of Aimable karasira not hearing from him, the chances of him coming out of his kidnappers who are criminal Paul Kagame’s well known assassins continue to diminish.