By: Rpf Gakwerere
Dear oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed Rwandans, I hope you haven’t forgotten the US$190 Million that your criminal ruler – Paul Kagame and your princess Ange Kagame known within the ruler’s office as princess from the north, have looted in the past four months. For the past four months, this criminal, corrupt and bloodthirsty family have been wiring millions of dollars to different offshore accounts in Dubai, Qatar and Seychelles.
The Middle East has been their recent destiny for money laundering due to minimal financial regulations and scrutiny.

After appearing in May 2016 Panama papers, where Kagames interests were among offshore wealthy entities. Being exposed, made the Kagame family relocate their offshore finances to Middle East, with North America interests being left at the hands of first son Ivan Cyomoro Kagame who is currently base in USA, operating between cities of San Francisco, New York and Boston.
Dear oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed Rwandans, where is Agaciro funds estimated to be US$200 Million? Why did the satanic regime set up this trust fund? Where is the cash? Obviously the millions of dollars are in different offshore accounts, under the Kagames.

To the Kagames, the potato enclave (Rwanda) is a family property inherited from their ancestors, the rest of you, are mere enslaved subjects.