By: RPF Gakwerere
Today evening, during a cabinet meeting, Dictator Paul Kagame has rewarded one of his notorious online #goon Merard Mpabwanamaguru. Within Rwanda social media circle, Merald Mpabwanamaguru is a well known social media nuisance.

Manned with an online PhD (dubious/purchased online, his ‘master’ degree is also dubious/forgery), sycophancy, lack of basic logic and always showing that he loves the ruling party more than historical members; Dictator Paul Kagame has appointed him as Kigali city Councillor.

Previously, Merard was imprisoned for corruption and embezzling public funds. Criminal Paul Kagame has recycled this corrupt sycophant and brought him back to embezzle the same institution he embezzled in 2016. The appointment of Merard Mpabwanamaguru has shocked fellow inept minions and goons within the satanic regime, his a topic of discussion in all WhatsApp groups run by regime minions and sycophants.
They all know that in 2017, he was blacklisted to never work in government job/public appointment for 15 years, and in less than 5 years, criminal Paul Kagame has personally appointed him during today’s cabinet meeting.

When released from prison, Merald Mpabwanamaguru embarked on a campaign of sycophancy, praising dictator Paul Kagame 24/7. In a recent interview with a YouTube channel, he noted, “Kagame is the best thing that God has ever given Rwanda.”
Who said that sycophancy doesn’t pay even though you’re a day time router/robber! My question, why refer a none PhD holder as a Doctor? A satanic regime that rotates around lies, fabrications, doctored Imaging to the extent of even doctoring CVs.