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Home » Fierce Fighting Between FARDC Against RDF/M23 That Resumed On The 20th October 2022, Is Still Continuing.

Fierce Fighting Between FARDC Against RDF/M23 That Resumed On The 20th October 2022, Is Still Continuing.

By: Rpf Gakwerere

The Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) in a Communique alert, in a press release published Sunday, 23 October 2022, addressed to national and international community on the resumption of hostilities by RDF/M23.

Since Thursday, 20 October 2022, FARDC positions on the Rangira-Rwanguba-Tchengerero axis, in the territory of Rutshuru (North Kivu) have been “the target of the M23 rebels and their allies, the Rwanda Defense Forces (RDF)”, notes the FARDC in its press release.

Maj General Sylvain Ekenge

After suffering setbacks on this axis, another RDF/M23 offensive was launched on the Ntamugenga axis where fighting continues up to today Sunday, 23 October 2022, the army statement continued.

On the ground, several sources, including that of local civil society says that the locality of Ntamugenga was captured by RDF/M23, on Sunday, 23 October 2022, around 8 am. FARDC was pushed around 5 km from Ntamugenga according to these sources on the ground.

But the spokesperson for the operational sector Sokola 2, Lieutenant-Colonel Njike Kaiko indicated that the army still has control of Ntamugega where fierce fighting is continuing.

Lieutenant-Colonel Njike Kaiko

“On the Ntamugenda axis, three civilians were killed and thirty-five others injured, including children, in Nyabikoro, near Rwanguba hospital,” the Sunday army statement reported.

FARDC army statement further noted that “on the Rangira-Rwanguba-Tchengerero axis, a civilian was mowed down by bombs from Rwanda and five other people injured”.

Several populations have fled the fighting zone areas to seek shelter elsewhere.

The DRC Armed Forces reassured the population “of their determination to respond vigorously to these attacks, defend the integrity of the national territory and protect the population until the supreme sacrifice”.

Below, a statement just released few hours ago by Maj General Sylvain Ekenge, spokesman for the North Kivu governor.

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