By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere
Dictator Paul Kagame has smartly out played EAC, by creating buffer zones than handing territories back to FARDC. RDF-M23 has created buffer zone in Kibumba, and now Rumangabo. DR Congo government and EAC are accepting this circus being played by Paul Kagame and his RDF-M23.

The Luanda accord and Nairobi Process instructs RDF-M23 to withdraw and hands back territories under their control to FARDC, DR Congo government. Literally, RDF-M23 hasn’t handed back any territory under their control to FARDC, they haven’t withdrawn or disarmed. Instead, RDF-M23 has introduced a new military geometry of buffer zones controlled by Kenyan forces while continuing with their strategic military offensives in different military axis.

On Tuesday, the 3rd January 2023, Criminal Paul Kagame’s RDF-M23 captured Nyamilima and Buramba in their Ishasha axis.