Saturday , 19 October 2024
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Home » Historical Photo Of Pan – Africanist Julius Nyerere Meeting The British Governor Of Tanganyika

Historical Photo Of Pan – Africanist Julius Nyerere Meeting The British Governor Of Tanganyika

On September 1, 1960, the British Governor of Tanganyika called on Julius Nyerere to form a Government, and he become Tanganyika’s first Chief Minister. Two days later Julius Nyerere was able to broadcast to the people of Tanganyika (now Tanzania) as Chief Minister.

Below, Julius Nyerere as Chief Minister with Tanganyika’s Permanent Secretaries and Provincial Commissioners.

We must celebrate, appreciate and honour the path of our great founding fathers. The founding fathers of post colonial Africa had excellent intentions and enormous dreams for Africa.

RIP Mzee Julius Nyerere.

Rare Picture Of Julius Nyerere

About Gakwerere

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