Wednesday , 26 March 2025
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’


By: Rpf Gakwerere

As a chief escort to criminal Paul Kagame’s wife, Jeannette Kagame Gasana and later an ADC to criminal Paul Kagame, treacherous assassin – Gen James Kabarebe was able to wholly study and learn criminal Paul Kagame.

treacherous assassin – Gen James Kabarebe

Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe was deployed within criminal Paul Kagame’s personal security circle when he was a 2nd Lieutenant. Treacherous assassin – James Kabarebe knows words to tell criminal Paul Kagame in case he wants to raise his paranoia or words for calming him.

Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe knows criminal Paul Kagame’s mental deficiencies and intellectual disability, known in medical profession as mental retardation.

For years, as a personal escort to Jeannette Kagame, an ADC to criminal Paul Kagame and head of the presidential guard; this trends allowed James Kabarebe to know very well criminal Paul Kagame, especially his state of mind. It is from this background of knowing criminal Paul Kagame inside out, that treacherous assassin – Gen James Kabarebe has used to slowly destroy his boss.

Case study

For example, treacherous assassin James Kabarebe knows very well how criminal Paul Kagame is a jealous person, a person who wants to own everything while enjoying to see others’ in miseries. Those within the SATANIC SYSTEM who comeout showing extravagance have been crashed by criminal Paul Kagame along the way.

However, due to knowing criminal Paul Kagame’s evil character, extremely rich Gen James Kabarebe lives a very humble life. Treacherous assassin – Gen James Kabarebe who owns a shipping company, air cargo company, meneral dealings..etc, lives in a humble house in Kibagabaga, Kigali. These were houses built by the ministry of defence which were sold to army officers on reasonable mortgage rate.

Gen James Kabarebe owns another modest house in Rebero which he uses as jigjig nest house for those underage girls that he infects on daily basis. This is the same house which he uses as a meeting hideout for his visiting witch doctors who come to see him from allover Africa.

For example, when you compare Gen Jack Nziza or James Musoni’s houses, they make Gen James Kabarebe’s house look like a pit latrine. But treacherous assassin James Kabarebe, understands very well the mindset of his criminal boss, thus opting for a humble lifestyle to avoid the preying eyes of Pilato.

Treacherous assassin – Gen James Kabarebe’s machiavellian style to destroy criminal Paul Kagame’s relatives.

Gen James Kabarebe is a political science graduate from Makerere University, those who know him very well will attest that, while at campus he was obsessed with Chairman Mao Tse-tung’s literature, loved machiavellian theories of deception, deceit, brutality and how to acquire power and retain it. While at Makerere University, he was also obsessed with the Marxist beliefs of social conflict theory where brutality and war are necessary evil. He swallowed James Fearon rationality for war.

For the last 30 years, treacherous assassin James Kabarebe hasn’t even spared criminal Paul Kagame’s relatives. Through well designed, systematic calculations, treacherous assassin James Kabarebe managed to create a family lift between Criminal Paul Kagame and some of his relatives, especially those in the army.

Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe orchestrated the elimination of Col Willy Bagabe and Major Rugambwa, cousins to criminal Paul Kagame, through feeding him wrong intelligence information and this intelligence information being approved by death merchant Jack Nziza who is a member of treacherous assassin James Kabarebe’s J3 network.

Treacherous assassin – Gen James Kabarebe was totally jealous and hateful to Col Willy Bagabe and Major Rugambwa. Deceitful James Kabarebe always saw these totally kind hearted officers as being a threat to his position within criminal Paul Kagame’s circle.

During the second DR Congo war, treacherous assassin James Kabarebe got an opportunity to slowly destroy Col Willy Bagabe who was then a Major and Major Rugambwa. Gen James Kabarebe with the help of his side boy, Gen Jack Nziza started feeding wrong intelligence information about Major Rugambwa to paranoid Pilato. They told criminal Paul Kagame how Major Rugambwa is whining about the war in DR Congo.

In second DR Congo war, Major Rugambwa who was an excellent field commander had walked with his battalion and other RCD battalions, fighting from Goma to Pweto along lake Mweru in Katanga Province, DR Congo. While the likes of James Kabarebe were plundering DR Congo, Major Rugambwa was at the frontline witnessing how young Rwandans were losing their lives against battalions from Angola, Zimbabwe and Namibia. In what he referred as unnecessary war.

After being fed wrong intelligence info by deceitful assassin – Gen James Kabarebe, criminal Paul Kagame gave him a go ahead to eliminate Major Rugambwa. Criminal Paul Kagame wouldn’t accept a family member talking behind his back, Gen James Kabarebe recalled Major Rugambwa back to Rwanda under a pretext of granting him a work leave, and he was eliminated by tempering the antonov cargo plane which was supposed to transport him from Pweto in DR Congo to Kanombe airport. The antonov cargo plane crashed on its way to Rwanda.

As Major Rugambwa was assassinated, Col Willy Bagabe was also recalled from DR Congo and straight away thrown at Kami military detention centre. From this time to the time he was assassinated in June 2016, he was always blocked by the J3 network (James Kabarebe, Jack Nziza and James Musoni) from accessing his cousin criminal Paul Kagame.

Treacherous assassin – Gen James Kabarebe continuously fed paranoid Paul Kagame wrong information about Col Willy Bagabe, in most cases describing him as a disgruntled man. Now and again, treacherous assassin – Gen James Kabarebe and his J3 amigos continued to feed wrong information about an innocent man, until paranoid criminal Paul Kagame approved his assassination.

Col Willy Bagabe was denied access to meet his cousin – Paul Kagame, so that he may present his side of the story. For more than 20 years, treacherous assassin James Kabarebe and death merchant Jack Nziza had seen Criminal Paul Kagame’s cousins Major Rugambwa and Col Willy Bagabe as threats to their positions, therefore, they did their best to see that they have eliminated them. These two innocent officers were eliminated through cooked up, fabricated and deceitful info by Gen James Kabarebe and his J3.

Paul Kagame’s cousin, late Col Willy Bagabe

While treacherous assassin James Kabarebe was destroying Maj Rugambwa and Col Willy Bagabe, he did not spare another cousin of criminal Paul Kagame, Captain Gisagara. The youthful Captain was destroyed by deceitful James Kabarebe and his J3 amigos. Captain Gisagara, a well disciplined officer opted to melt away into the oblivion of silence in order to survive J3 ruthless network. Captain Gisagara understood that asking for access to speak to his cousin criminal Paul Kagame would raise the wrath from treacherous assassin James Kabarebe and his J3 amigos, most especially Gen Jack Nziza, thus opting for a life of destitution.

The J3 assassins did not stop in their drive to turn criminal Paul Kagame into a loner, a distant from his immediate family. In their ruthlessness, deceitful Gen James Kabarebe didn’t not spare Captain Joseph Rushema, another cousin to criminal Paul Kagame. Captain Joseph Rushema operated directly under Gen Jack Nziza in illigal activities of extorting money from business community in Rwanda, especially those in Kigali under the pretext of contributing for RPF political party.

After using him, and seeing that his usefulness is no longer needed, they set on him one of his friend, Alexandre Nzizera to try and record him when he happens to be talking compromising issues about his cousin criminal Paul Kagame or the first family.

Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe and his J3 knew that when Captain Joseph Rushema gets drunk, he speaks without break. Alexander Nzizera a well known notorious DMI operative in Kigali, recorded his friend while in a pub, and Captain Joseph Rushema was lamenting about Jeannette Kagame Gasana, and how Jeannette Kagame Gasana was becoming the real president and totally controlling the husband.

In this recording, Captain Joseph Rushema referred Jeannette Kagame Gasana as a “prostitute” who continuously sleeps with all kinds of men including her escorts. It was a damming recording, this will be a topic of another day.

After getting this recording, treacherous assassin James Kabarebe and Gen Jack Nziza advised Alexandre Nzizera to take it to Gen Dan Munyuza, and it was Dan Munyuza who took the recording to criminal Paul Kagame. And since April 2016 to present, Captain Joseph Rushema has been incarcerated in different notorious DMI prisons. He was first taken to Kami military detention centre for weeks of torture, then taken to Iwawa, brought back to Kigali for treatment on brink of death due to health issues and his currently in unknown torture prison somewhere in Rwanda.

Currently, there only two remaining cousins of criminal Paul Kagame who are within security apparatus, that is Col Silas Udahemuka the CEO of Kanombe airport and Lt Col Charles Shema an external intelligence officer. These two are under close target from boys and girls who report to J3 mafias.

Without doubt, treacherous assassin James Kabarebe and his J3 mafias are slowly encroaching the throne. In this game of thrones, the end will be brutal and bloody.

About Gakwerere

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