By: Rpf Gakwerere
On Friday, 13 Dec 19, Rwanda and Uganda held another round of talks under Luanda Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) framework.
On paper, the potato enclave’s delegation was led by the State Minister for East African Community, Olivier Nduhungirehe, a well known Kagamist goon and loudspeaker. Olivier Nduhungirehe was a mere doll remotely controlled by Maj Gen Joseph Nzabamwita the head of National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS). The real head of the potato enclave’s delegation was Maj Gen Joseph Nzabamwita who had the full authority from criminal Paul Kagame to emphasize on their key demands.

The potato enclave’s delegation had key members of the satanic regime, cabinet ministers Johnston Busingye (Justice), Prof. Anastase Shyaka (Local Government) and assassin Patrick Nyamvumba (Internal Security).
The enclave’s director of external intelligence, Col Anaclet Kalibata was part of the delegation that travelled to Uganda,and as noted above, Maj Gen Joseph Nzabamwita, the director of National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) attended as the real head of the delegation, forget the junkie loudspeaker, Olivier Nduhungirehe.
What shocked the host, Uganda, the Rwandan delegation delayed the meeting until the waiting journalists were removed from the meeting hall. These assassins from the potato enclave tried by all means to avoid cameras and journalists. Ugandan delegation and officials from Angola and DR Congo, both of whom were acting as facilitators waited for an hour for the Rwandan negotiation team to enter the main conference hall from their waiting room.
Criminal Paul Kagame’s assassins waited until they were told that journalists had left, and the assassins dashed to the meeting hall. Their spy within the press corps, Gashegu Muramira was in constant communication with the High Commissioner of Rwanda to Uganda, Gen Frank Mugambage, briefing him what is happening within the meeting hall.

Gashegu Muramira is a senior DMI operative deployed in Uganda under the guise of being the NewTimes Bureau Chief. The NewTimes is exclusively owned, directed and managed by potato enclave’s Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) currently rebranded as Defense intelligence and National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS).
DMI operative, Gashegu Muramira wasn’t even accredited to cover the meeting but was allover the place, spying on Ugandan journalists and peeping to see what they were writing.