Saturday , 27 July 2024
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Home » Videos » Vital Kamerhe, DR Congo real president attends the wedding of Sunday Kabarebe, the son of Gen James Kabarebe

Vital Kamerhe, DR Congo real president attends the wedding of Sunday Kabarebe, the son of Gen James Kabarebe

Dictator Paul Kagame, his family and members of the inner circle didn’t attend the wedding of treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe’s son despite being invited. Last year, criminal Paul Kagame did not invite treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe at the wedding of his daughter, Ange Kagame.

As expected, criminal Paul Kagame’s DMI boys were present for intelligence gathering and collecting any kind of info to tell their boss.

Vital Kamerhe, DR Congo real president, the brain behind accidental president – Félix TShisekedi was in Kigali yesterday for the wedding of Gen James Kabarebe’s son. Kamerhe and his wife donated 30 cows to the newlyweds as gesture to strengthen the relationship between Rwanda – Kivu (DR Congo).

Undermine treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe and his J3 mafia network at your peril.

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