By: Rpf Gakwerere
Uganda’s Minister of State for Regional Affairs, Mzee Dr Philimon Mateka: “As for my counterpart, Hon. Olivier Nduhungirehe, remember time will come when you will outlive your usefulness, and your current masters, like they’ve done to many of your predecessors, will get rid of you, and you will be lucky to live to tell the tale.”

Olivier Nduhungirehe is Potato Enclave’s chief loudspeaker and Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and EAC affairs. He is also a child of a Paripehutu toxic ideologue who participated in pushing thousands of Tutsi families to flee from Rwanda in 1960s and early 1970s. Like father, now the child is part of the satanic system, acting as it’s main loudspeaker in intoxicating oppressed – enslaved citizens, dividing the population and attacking anyone who questions the satanic regime.