On 30th September 2020, Dictator Paul Kagame’s chief lobbyist and cheerleader, “professor” Philip Cotton was naturalised, and he became a Rwandan through naturalisation.

Philip Cotton becoming a Rwandan isn’t an issue at all, over the years, many foreigners have been naturalised and become Rwandan citizens.

The real issue with “professor” Philip Cotton lies in supporting, criminal Paul Kagame’s excesses which includes all forms of brutality, human rights abuses – atrocities, economic plundering and crashing any form of democratic processes in the enclave – Rwanda.

“Professor” Philip Cotton is to criminal Paul Kagame, as what Robert Astles was to Idi Amin.
Without any single doubt, post Kagame history will judge harshly “Professor” Philip Cotton for serving a brutal regime that has no single regard for human rights, rule of law and social justice. With Dictator Paul Kagame’s blood money, Philip Cotton has thrown out all forms of professional ethics.
On other news, on the same day, 29th September 2020, Criminal Paul Kagame’s Kangaroo court in Nyarugenge sentenced Robert Nyamvumba to SIX years in jail, and a fine of 21.6 Billion Rwanda francs, which is approximately 23 million USA dollars.
Robert Nyamvumba is a young brother to Gen Patrick Nyamvumba.

A note of caution: few months ago these people (the Nyamvumba) were hunting us without even sparing their own relatives i.e Jean Bosco Gasasira, they were cheering elimination of anti Kagame activists, calling us all sorts of names, praising Kagame and supporting him in all his crimes, now Satan of Kigali is rewarding them his usual ways after their services are no longer required – needed.
Corporal never and never shades any single tear when Criminal Paul Kagame is punishing his house boys/girls. I inform but never shade any single tear.
Always keep to your lane when a master is punishing his dogs.
Related article: https://rpfgakwerere.org/2020/09/29/the-nyamvumba-brothers-a-persecuted-family/