By: Gasasira, Sweden (Revised by Rpf Gakwerere)
Umuvugizi has for sometime been investigating the reasons why Kagame’s assassins murdered in cold blood Rwandan hero Major Alex Ruzindana, one of Rwanda’s brave soldier, well known for his astuteness and for condemning the criminal acts by Kagame’s security organs.
Investigations by Umuvugizi on the cruel murder of Major Alex Ruzindana, who was killed few days after he had been retired from the army, for his divergent views, where he used to publicly condemn the dictatorial tendencies of Kagame, sources confirm that there were other compelling secretive reasons why Kagame gave orders to pitilessly kill this hero that saved hundreds of people during the 1990-94 liberation war and sacrificed very much not only for his country but even in the region.

Investigations by Umuvugizi reveals that this cruel murder of Maj. Ruzindana who was well known for his excellence and daring actions at the frontline, happened after Gen Jack Nziza who was by then the director of Directorate of Military intelligence (DMI), wrote a damning fictitious report accusing Major Ruzindana of talking with some of his former comrades and senior high-ranking officers in Uganda’s military. To this murderer – Gen Jack Nziza, the action of Ruzindana interacting with his former comrades in Uganda, was one of the major reason why he was supposed to be murdered. After receiving Jack Nziza’s malicious and fabricated report, Kagame, expressly approved the assassination of Major Ruzindana without even listening to him or allowing him to prove his innocence against Jack Nziza’s malicious allegations.

After receiving the report from Gen Jack Nziza recommending that Major Ruzindana had to be killed, Kagame who is also well known for his craving to spill blood, immediately asked Gen James Kabarebe, who was by then the deputy Chief of General Staff, to order captain Butera Vianney alias Kavugure, who was a very close friend of Major Alex Ruzindana, to look for him and entice him into a mineral business deal, known by that time as Colta deals, well knowing that he couldn’t resist because he had worked with Butera Vianney for a long time in the military particularly in Alpha unit and in the RDF’s first Battalion.
However, the intention here was not business but on orders of Paul Kagame through Gen James Kabarebe, Captain Butare’s role in this murderous crime as assigned by Paul Kagame was to make sure that he successfully leads Major Ruzindana Alex into an ambush of Kagame’s killing squad on their way to Bukavu in DR Congo, through Butare (now changed to Huye) and Nyungwe forest. On orders of Paul Kagame, through Gen Jack Nziza, Rwanda’s Defence Force Brigade deployed in Butare, Southern Rwanda, was the one which was assigned to carry out this murderous crime in connivance with President Kagame’s killing Squad under Counter Intelligence unit in the Notorious Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI).

Another murderous blue eyed Son of Paul Kagame, Inspector General of Rwanda’s Police – Gasana Emmanuel (currently dumped and incarcerated), who was by that time a captain, stationed in Butare and in charge of Directorate of Military Intelligence in Southern province, he was briefed by Gen Jack Nziza about the assassination plan. Gen Emmanuel Gasana famously known for his murderous crimes, during this time, he was in charge of killing operations in Butare, Gikongoro and Cyangugu. He was also in charge of Paul Kagame’s killing graveyard in Nyungwe Forest.

On the day of assassinating Major Alex Ruzindana, two killing squads, one headed by Lt Col John Karangwa from the notorious Directorate of Military Intelligence, and another one headed by Gasana Emmanuel, who was then a Division Intelligence Officer in Southern region. They laid an ambush for the vehicle driven by Gen James Kabarebe’s puppet boy, Lt Col Butera Vianney (then a Captain). At around mid day, Major Alex Ruzindana and Captain Vianney Butera arrived in Butare town. The waiting death squad teams, intercepted the car of their target and then obducted Major Alex Ruzindana. He was immediately dumped in a vehicle which was driven by Col Tinka Faustin followed by another vehicle carrying members of the above mentioned two assassin squad teams. And they headed to president Kagame’s bleeding graveyard in Nyungwe forest.

One of the spies who closely worked with those two killing squads which were led by Gen Gasana Emmanuel and Lt Col Karangwa John, told us in these words: “We were very much hurt to see that bloodthirsty Kagame depended on malicious allegations and baseless report issued by murder minded Gen Jack Nziza, and gave orders to kill an old retired senior military officer like Major Ruzindana Alex . I very much recall before he was killed, how he cried requesting his killers to allow him talk to his family and children for the last time but sadly enough, he was denied that last chance by President Kagame’s killing squad and instead brutally killed him in cold blood.’’
Another spy we talked to, who also knows how Major Alex Ruzindana was brutally eliminated, told us that, “soon or later Kagame and his assassins will one day pay for their crimes.”
He told us that the death of Major Ruzindana is not secret anymore, pointing out that all those who participated in the murder were rewarded with juicy posts both in the military and national police. He ended his testimony with irrefutable evidence graphically showing that it was Kagame’s murderers who assassinated Major Alex Ruzindana given that one of the members of the killing squad, Lt Col Tinka Faustin up today sustained a permanent damage of losing two front teeth due to a heavy punch he was given by Major Alex Ruzindana during the scuffle when they were butchering him.
Another evidence showing the involvement of Paul Kagame and his death squads in the murder of Maj. Ruzindana, is that after his disappearance, family members and loved one accused Captain Butera Vianney as the one who was behind his disappearance given that he is the one who had picked him at his residence.
N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page), @RGakwerere (tweeter) or at my blog –
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