By: Rpf Gakwerere
Finally Finally. Totally and totally congratulations to omukekuru Molly Uwera.
For the case of Molly Uwera, let me continue closing the file about this particular wedding, love that blossomed from Kigali bars to corridors of Village Urugwiro.
Sometimes, there are files that you don’t open due to specific reasons, in this case, it’s for the reason of Molly Uwera and her extended family I rest this file closed, a file that I know very well from Masaka, Kasese, Kampala, Kigali up to the Seating room of Criminal Paul Kagame and the whole Murefu Family.
It is not bad to give a shout at Molly Uwera’s older sister – Alfa (Alpha), who works in criminal Paul Kagame’s office. Alfa Karomba is a serial Kagamist goon who runs some of the numerous pseudo social media accounts that attacks Rwandan dissidents, any anti Kagame person and Uganda’s leadership. In short, she is a kagamist troll.
From your far right in yellow dress, it’s Nana Murefu, daughter of Richard Murefu – young brother to Jeannette Nzirorera Kajuga Gasana Kagame, Ange Kagame’s husband – Bertrand Ndengeyingoma, Ange Kagame – Co Vice President of potato enclave, Bride – Molly Uwera, bridegroom – Shema and Tina Mutesi – sister to the bride.

All those that attended this civil ceremony no one put on masks, none followed social distance rules or adhered to Covid 19 rules, yet more than 50 people attended. It was a civil ceremony for owners of the potato enclave – Rwanda, and the first family was present. Rwanda operates on two vertical rules, there are rules for oppressors, and those for the oppressed.
Remember two Generals, Gen Fred Ibingira and Lt Gen Charles Muhire are still incarcerated at Mulindi military detention centre for breaking Covid 19 rules and regulations.