Thursday , 19 September 2024
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’

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Under Dictator Paul Kagame’s bloodthirsty authoritarian regime, knowing too much of State Secrets (Paul Kagame’s personal secrets) is extremely dangerous. Top end intellectuals haven’t been spared in name of preserving the Satanic regime. 

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere Under Dictator Paul Kagame’s bloodthirsty authoritarian regime, knowing too much of State Secrets (Paul Kagame’s personal secrets) is extremely dangerous. Top end intellectuals haven’t been spared in name of preserving the Satanic regime. Senior medical specialist, Dr Charles Karibuhungu Murego, eliminated through scientific accident/staged accident …

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Under Dictator Paul Kagame’s bloodthirsty authoritarian regime, knowing too much of State Secrets (Paul Kagame’s personal secrets) is extremely dangerous. Top end intellectuals haven’t been spared in name of preserving the Satanic regime. 

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere Under Dictator Paul Kagame’s bloodthirsty authoritarian regime, knowing too much of State Secrets (Paul Kagame’s personal secrets) is extremely dangerous. Top end intellectuals haven’t been spared in name of preserving the Satanic regime. Senior medical specialist, Dr Charles Karibuhungu Murego, eliminated through scientific accident/staged accident …

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Today, 15th January 2023, For The First Time, Ian Gasana Kagame Appeared On Close Protection Detail/Team Of His ‘Father’ Criminal Paul Kagame

By: Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere Second Lieutenant Ian Gasana Kagame. Today, 15th January 2023, for the first time, Ian Gasana Kagame appeared on close protection detail/team of Criminal Paul Kagame. Second Lieutenant Ian Gasana Kagame is attached to Intelligence Office within the presidential guard. Why has Criminal Paul Kagame not …

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