Thursday , 19 September 2024
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’

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Lionel Nishimwe’s testimony before disappearing in Rwanda

The testimony of Lionel Nishimwe before his disappearance. Lionel Nishimwe has been out of reach of all contact since February 9, 2017. Prior to his disappearance, he contacted human rights organizations, AGLAN and the Global Campaign, and reported that his life was in danger. At that time, he was attempting to …

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General Paul Kagame continued his global tour

By: David Himbara On June 11, 2019, General Paul Kagame continued his global tour by jetting off further west to Nigeria from Gabon. This makes 31 overseas events/conferences Kagame has attended in the first half of 2019 as follows: 1) Attending anti-corruption summit| Abuja, Nigeria, June 11, 2019. 2) Visiting …

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By: Rpf Gakwerere  In their Public Relations deceitful art, criminal Paul Kagame’s PR team always share the photos below to demonstrate how the enclave is the African Singapore. These are buildings found in downtown Kigali in what oppressed, enslaved and starving Rwandans refer as Kagame strip. Dear oppressed – enslaved …

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