Thursday , 19 September 2024
‘‘ Freedoms, democracy, human rights and rights to live are none negotiable ’’

TimeLine Layout

August, 2019

  • 1 August

    Kagame, Abusing Museveni Is One Thing, But His Parents?

    By: David Himbara Today, I looked at my copy of Sowing The Mustard Seed by President Yoweri Museveni. The parts of the book on his parents Mzee Amosi Kaguta and Maama Esteeri Kokundeka, and their struggles for a better life for their family are most touching. This is a story …

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July, 2019

  • 31 July

    Rutagambwa’s  boy – criminal Paul Kagame is a  curse to Rwandans.

    By: Rpf Gakwerere In the land of a thousand hills, criminal Paul Kagame never falls short of making Rwandans suffer in a tsunami of bad political policies. In Criminal Paul Kagame’s land, the ruler does not need help for bad publicity because —his conduct in numerous controversies always attract increasingly …

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  • 30 July

    Kenya vs Rwanda.  

    By: Rpf Gakwerere Underlying bad relationship between Uhuru Kenyatta and criminal Paul Kagame doesn’t intend to cease. And of recently, president Uhuru Kenyatta has shunned away from criminal Paul Kagame’s invitations. The current blood relationship between Kenya’s president and his deputy was manufactured in Rwanda at the time when Louise …

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  • 27 July


    By: Rpf Gakwerere For the past 20+ years, what criminal Paul Kagame alias Pilato has successfully managed, it’s to divide oppressed and enslaved citizens of the enclave. This is an enclave were it’s population are engaged in spying and reporting each other to the satanic system ruling the enclave. The …

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  • 24 July

    DMI surveillance around the Rwigara Residence has been increased since Diane Rwigara wrote an open letter to Pilato

    By: Rpf Gakwerere DMI surveillance around the Rwigara Residence has been increased since Diane Rwigara wrote an open letter to Pilato, a letter which has featured in several prominent international media houses. According to my source within Pilato’s DMI terror group, of recently, the Rwigaras had relaxed their security consciousness …

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  • 24 July


    By: Rpf Gakwerere What was treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe been doing at ombudsman office and auditor general office this morning? Was treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe been called to declare on his vast wealth? Was he been called to tell about his wealth in Angola which includes a shipping …

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  • 24 July

    Criminal Paul Kagame, A man who couldn’t even spare his childhood friends.

    Gen Fred Rwigema, Major Chris Bunyenyezi, Major Bayingana, Lt Col Adam Waswa, Captain Sam Byaruhanga, Captain Veduste Kayitare….etc. Criminal Paul Kagame, since your early 20s up to now, you have been taking blood – lives of innocent human beings. As I post this, your agents are rounding up innocent people, …

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  • 23 July

    In remembrance of commander Foca Foca

    In the evening, on a rainy Sunday, Foca Foca as he was referred in military communication, the commander of Charlie mobile force emerged from a military tent that by then, he was sharing with commander Dodo and Commander Musitu. Foca Foca called for a fall-in, on that rainy sunday, his …

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  • 23 July

    The first thing dictactor Pilato did after being the vice – president at the same time being minister of defence in 1994

    The first thing dictactor Pilato did after being the vice – president at the same time being minister of defence in 1994; was to visit USA for dental treatment and teeth modification. Since then, the brutal dictactor has been showing his dental outlook to oppressed, enslaved, starving and unemployed Rwandans. …

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  • 22 July


    By: Rpf Gakwerere Since the 13th July 2019, Pilato hasn’t been seen by the public, even his paid minions aren’t sure where the brutal dictactor is. Obviously, the king doesn’t have to tell his oppressed and enslaved subjects anything. From reliable source, Pilato has been held up in different night …

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